Last Night

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Michael stood in the dark, staring out the bedroom window. He gazed up at the black night sky and saw smudges of grey clouds float across the inky sky.

Lisa, his wife of just over a year, walked up behind him making no attempt at concealing her entrance. It wasn't a good idea to take her husband by surprise.

She placed her arms around his waist kissing him gently on the back of his neck. "I wish you could come to bed with me tonight?"

Michael still transfixed with the dark moving clouds patted his wife's hands "You know I can't."

Lisa let him go and turning away from her husband walked back out of their bedroom. Instinctively she ran her hands across her stomach thinking of their last night time encounter. "I know."

Then looking out the window she caught sight of the increasing clouds cover. "But tonight, it's OK, isn't it?"

Michael bowed his head seeing the cars parked in the street below, bathed in the soft yellow streetlights.

"I don't know Lisa. I daren't take that chance. Look what happened last time."

She then consciously rubbed her stomach feeling the crude scar tissue that formed three parallel vertical lines. "I just want to sleep with my husband again!"

Michael signed, looked up at ceiling and nodded his head.

With Michael beside her in bed Lisa reached and touched his face. His skin was smooth, he had shaven before coming to bed and the scent of his musk aftershave balm filled her nostrils. It was intoxicating. They embraced each other before she kissed him softly on the lips.

Lisa wanted more of her husband and so moved her hand towards his groin. But Michael was still too tense taking her hand away.

"Best not Lisa, you know."

She withdrew her hand and placed it onto his chest feeling his increasing heartbeat.

"OK love."

Then kissing him once more, she turned over onto her side of the bed and gradually fell asleep.

Michael, however, couldn't sleep. He lay on his back for periodically turning towards his bedside cabinet watching the green luminous numbers on his alarm clock morph from seconds to minutes to hours.

Occasionally he would look up at the ceiling as the headlights from passing cars crept over the top of the curtain pelmet, arch across the bedroom ceiling before melting away in the shadows.

After following the path of several headlights, Michael's eyes began to feel heavy and he was about to surrender to sleep when the only light he most feared the most came streaming through the curtains. The unmistakable silvery light of a full moon breaking its cloud cover.

As the moon's rays hit the bed, Michael's muscles went into spasms. His whole body began to reel in pain as cramp engulfed him. Gripping the bottom bedsheet, he arched his back throwing his head forward before letting out a high guttural howl!

Lisa woke to the screaming next to her. Leaping out of bed, she witnessed the final transition of her husband turning into a wolf! Now with her back against the wall and her eyes trained on the creature in front of her, Lisa managed to open the drawer to her bedside cabinet. Her hand went rummaging through the soft cotton of her underwear until it fell upon the cold steel of a knife!

Without hesitation, Lisa withdrew the silver letter opener, an heirloom from her grandmother, and held it out in front of her pointing it towards the creature.

The creature now on top of the bed was on all fours its fiery red eyes following the blade that Lisa waved in front of it.

Lisa's heart was racing, her plan had finally worked. After the last time, she knew this marriage couldn't continue. When she met Michael at college her friends tried to warn her about him and the Lupus family but she just thought they were being stupid, jealous even. Only after what happened to her on their wedding night, did she know they were telling her the truth.

Michael Lupus howled, then launched himself towards his wife. Lisa closed her eyes before feeling the full force of her husband, now the creature, against her. She felt the silver blade slide deep inside her husband's chest. With Michael thrashing around in pain, Lisa held her husband for the last time. Soon all their torment will be over.

Author note:
I hoped you enjoyed this tale. I would love to hear what you thought of it. Please feel free to leave a comment and stay tuned for more tales or terror!

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