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The next day the group of thirteen didn't walk to school together. Minghao and Vernon actually ended up living in the same neighborhood so they decided to walk to school however. Minghao still wasn't as close to vernon as the others but the walk to school that morning helped a lot.

All morning I had been freaked about the soccer game. Soonyoung had started a male dance team at the beginning of the year, Chan and I joined and a few others in the grade below. This game was the first time we would perform in front of the school. Which also meant in front of mingyu. I was still having trouble avoiding my feelings for the other. Mingyu and I had gotten closer and started to become very close.

Stressing so much about the soccer game later made me realize I was already in my second period, where all of my friends were. Imagine the poor teacher when she realized yesterday that all 13 of us were friends. Yesterday was chaotic and I wouldn't be surprised if she asked the Dean to move some of us to a different class. I smiled at my friends stupidity that probably gave the teacher a heart condition as I walked into the classroom. I walked towards my seat, beside Joshua and Jeonghan. As much as I liked the both of them, sitting in between them wasn't ideal. Considering they were best friends didn't help my studies.

"Joshujiiiii when are you gonna tell me who you like?"
My eyes widened, so Jeonghan knew of it too.
"me too, you can't pour your heart out to me like that then not tell me who" I flared at the older who laughed at us.

"i'll tell you when you confess and you tell me who you like" Joshua laughed once more as Jeonghan's face burned red and I sighed accepting defeat.

"ok but at least tell me, " Jeonghan leaned closer to Joshua which involved reaching over me.

"boy or girl". Joshuas face burned red.

"don't be stupid Jeonghan.."
Joshua trailed off breaking the eye contact from Jeonghan, it looked like Joshua was honestly about to tell Jeonghan who, but when he noticed the entire class was now watching, he just couldn't.

But Joshua was unaware of a pair of eyes watching him from behind, silently hoping that crush was a boy.

"obviously a girl Han" Joshua said nervously. Some of the girls in the class calling out "oo's" and some of his friends making comments.

"ok Joshuaaaaaa" Called Soonyoung
"Shua hyung could get any girl" Chan called from beside him almost dreamily.

Joshua's eyes found Seokmin's, the boy showed no emotion in his gaze as he quietly went back to his work, facing away from Joshua. Joshua felt his heart churn. His feelings for Seokmin were not leaving, and yet Joshua still pretended like they didn't exist

Soonyoung POV

I was in the gym with Minghao, Chan and a couple of others. School had ended about an hour ago and I wanted to go over the dance a couple more times. Chan, Minghao and I would perform a song called Lili Yabbay. I was so excited to show it off to everyone.

Earlier I received a text message from the group that they would come a little bit before when people usually arrive to get good seats for their friends on the soccer team and Dance team.

Cheol POV

I was nervous, I could tell the others were too. Mingyu already has everything on and was pacing back and fourth with 15 minutes until we even warm up. Joshua was playing with his fingers and Chan had just gotten back from his dance practice with Soonyoung but still looked slightly on edge.

I was nervous because of the team. A nationally ranked team, sure their school was good, winning against every school in their area, but it still made me nervous. Was it because I knew all his friends were coming?

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