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Harry's pov

I had decided to walk around the school, it was Sunday meaning there were no classes. I found myself walking very confidently trying to match slytherin more.

I walked to the library and looked around for a good book to read to pass the time. It felt rather odd being here without hermione, almost lonely. I'm sure I'll grow to miss her and Ron's fights and dracos dramatic ways. I pulled out a couple of books and sat in the back off the room reading. I felt like someone was watching me but I shrugged it off, if reading was gonna pass the time it was the only thing I wanted to do.

Tom's pov

I followed the boy that had come from Dumbledores office into the library. He was strange, I had a weird mixed feeling about him. I watched from far away as he pulled out a handful of books and sat down in a corner pulling his knees to his chest and reading. I felt a weird bubbly feeling in my stomach but tried to ignore it. I watched as his eyes followed the words on the book and the small confused look he got in his eyes but it soon left. I decided to move a little closer but I tripped and fell. He looked up and jumped to his feet walking over to me. He help out his hand and for some crazy, completely unlike me reason I took it. He pulled me up and smiled

"You okay?" He asked. I realized just now that he was wearing slytherin robes, once again that horrible bubbly feeling came back.

"I'm fine" I said simply. He raised an eyebrow but shook if off.

"Harry!" Dumbledore said walking angrily towards him. Harry looked behind himself to see the headmaster

"A word if you please" he said before walking into a corner and waiting for harry

"See you around I guess" this harry boy said to me and held out his hand. I took it giving him an uneasy look

"I'm riddle by the way. Tom riddle" I said. He suddenly looked very nervous but tried to hide it

"I'm harry-"

"Get here now!" Dumbledore called angrily.

"Right I better go" he said laughing a little. I watched as he walked away almost smiling to myself. He was kind. Very kind for a slytherin. His green eyes were wonderful-

Harry's pov

"Harry this is very important! You must never tell anyone your last name! Okay james, your father, as the same last name and everyone will get suspicious!" Dumbledore said. I could still feel Tom's eyes watching.... maybe he already knew...

"I wont... but what do I say my last name is then?" I asked

"Ah.... a muggle name? Got any friends whom you could brow the name from?"

"I mean... there is Granger-"

"Perfect!" He said cutting me off. Granger it is my boy.

Harry. Granger.

God this was gonna be worse then I thought... stealing my bestfriends last name...

I walked into the great hall. It looked like it did in my timeline. I sat by myself with my book and simply just sat there reading. I once again could feel eyes on me but I guessed that was because I'm new. I didnt listen to anything Dumbledore said, simply just sat there.

After dinner I decided to walk around a little more before going to bed. I walked into the corridor that me and Ron used to run to if we were trying to hide from hermione who -most the time- would be trying to make us do homework or something for her S.P.E.W things. I heard yelling and laughing as i walked. What i seen made me feel sick. There was a slytherin boy, with shoulder length black hair behing held in the air by magic who belonged to a gryffindor boy.

"Hey!" I yelled getting my wand. The gryffindors looked over, one of them smirked

"Ah. And who might you be?" One of the boys asked, he had a rather funny looking cut on his chin that was bleeding. I gleard

"Leave him alone" I said angrily. They all laughed except for the slytherin boy.

"Or what?" The boy holding him up asked. I pointed my wand at him and yelled

"expelliarmus!" His wand went flying and the boy fell to the ground making a small noise of relief and pain. I grabbed his wand as it flew in the air and then used the same spell on the other three who were now holding their wands. They all looked slightly taken back by my movements

"What's your name?" A blonde boy said angrily

"Harry Granger. And you?" I said confidently.

"I'm peter pettigrew" the blonde said. And then he pointed to the boy with the cut

"And this is sirius black" oh no. That means that the other two are Remus and my... dad

"This here is Remus Lupin, and this is James Potter" he said smirking. I tried not to yell. Cry. Scream. Punch my dad. Was my dad really like this? I looked over at the boy on the floor and sighed

"Who are you?" I asked him in a more kind way. He looked up at me nervously

"I- I'm S- Severus S- Snape" he mumbled. This made me feel Oh so much worse. My dad was bullying Severus Snape? Its nothing to be proud of. No wonder the man was such a git! I helped Severus up and brushed off his robes. I threw the four their wands and dragged Severus with me.

"I'm your roommate as well yknow" I said as i let go of his wrist

"Thank you! For y'know... helping me back there... nobody has ever done that.... they normally laugh or join in..." he said. I stoped walking and looked at him worriedly.

"Severus... do you have any friends?" I asked. I had now let go of the fact this man was an ass in my timeline. He didnt need any of this.

"N- no" he mumbled looking at the floor. I smiled and linked my arm with his

"Neither. Well now we both have a friend" i said smiling. He looked up at me with wide and surprised eyes

"R- really?"


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