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Harry's POV

"I'm so sorry" I cried

I didn't want them to say anything. I started at my hands as tears fell down my face and my body started to shake with them.

"harry" tom said softly, he reached out to touch me but I pulled away. he sighed angrily and grabbed me pulling me into his lap and wiped the tears off my face and kissed me before pulling me close and wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug

"harry I love you, please dont cry, and dont say sorry... honestly harry if that was your job you have done a bloody good job at it. he only person I was to hurt is james" he said before him and severus snorted. I cried more.

"no. no... you... you killed him" I said suddenly shaking again

"wait what" severus said sitting on his legs closer to me and tom.

"tom... goes by vol- Voldemort and he killed my family..." I cried grabbing onto Tom's robes as I cried into his shoulder. severus and tom sighed and severus rubbed my back

"harry.... I promise I will never kill anyone... ever..." tom said, his voice shaking as he started crying himself.

"harry..." severus mumbled softly before resting his head in my back and tom gave me small kisses on my shoulder

"w- why are y- you not angry?" I asked pulling away. tom was crying nearly as much as I was.

"harry... I love you, I could never be mad at you because I turned out to be a stupid git!" I said kissing his lips

"I promise I'll never be an ass to you in my classes" severus said, we all half heartedly laughed

"when do you go back?" severus asked.

"soon" I replied looking down sadly

"see tom... i would love to be with you but... I-"

"then be with me harry!! harry we can spend our last days together before you have to go back and back in your time I'll wait for you. in fact I plan on being a teacher there now, waiting for the day you walk into my class and know all of this" he said, his hands on each side of my face as he looked into my eyes. I nodded my head a small smile coming to my lips

"okay" I whispered.

"okay" he whispered back a massive smile forming of his face. I smiled more and pushed my lips into his

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