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Bucky's POV:

I went into the room and called for Steve. "Steve, I remember a girl back in HYDRA." I got no response as I looked up. People moved around and I met a girl that I have seen so many times in HYDRA. "Amy?" I asked not believing that it's her. I walked towards her as she didn't respond. As I got closer, I could see very clearly that she was in a flashback. I looked at the others. "How many flashbacks has she had?" Steve looked at her then to me. "I don't know Buck. She only came in yesterday due to a flashback." He seemed frustrated. "She's had seven." I turned to meet the voice. "Buck. Meet Loki." Like the Norse mythology Loki?

"Bucky." I heard and turned to look at Amber. Her shoulders were tensed. I went closer towards her and noticed that her eyes are now dull. "You ran from HYDRA." The way that she spoke, I could tell that Flame is now present. "We will get you back." She stood and went to come towards me but got held back by Steve.

Amber's POV:

I felt the restraints on my arm and wrists. I felt the collar on my neck. I'm trapped. "Now, this is the last attempt that we have at the moment to make you obedient." I met the eyes of the person who has caused me so much pain already. "I will never be your pawn fully." He only smiled before speaking in German although my mind translated it to English. "Power, stone, magic, kill, exile, flame, Raven, reborn."  My mind was blank. I looked up and watched as Strucker looked at me with pride. "When you find the winter soldier, bring him back to us. He will go under the allias Bucky."

I came back to the real world with my shoulders tense. "Bucky." I said. My mission. I heard moving around and looked up. Bucky came towards me and I could tell that he was observing me. More importantly, observing my eyes. "You ran from HYDRA." I stood. I know that the others are watching the encounter but I'll deal with them after. Realization came onto his face. "We will get you back." I told him. I went to go towards him but was held back. "Calm down Amber." I rolled my eyes at the name. "Loki deal with your girlfriend." I stopped fighting. Girlfriend? What the fuck? I shook my head.

What the hell happened? I looked around the room and saw everyone aiming some type of weapon at me. I whimpered and let my legs collapse under me. I let my head down and waited for the pain that was sure to come.

Loki's POV:

I shook my head as everyone pulled out a weapon at Amber. She lifted her head and looked at everyone. Her face showed pure fear as she whimpered. My face fell at this. She never whimpered. She never showed fear. I looked at Thor who was looking at Amber with pity. Her legs gave out and she collapsed with her head hanging. The position she's in is a submissive position. I tried to read her mind and was granted access. "They are going to hurt me." I heard her say in her head. "Get out of my head Loki." She said after a minute. I backed out of her head and watched her stand up.

Everyone was on edge. Meanwhile, Ambers shaking in fear. "What did I do?" She asked in a small voice. "A flashback caused you to remember your trigger words." I heard Bucky say and her face fell. "Did anyone get hurt? Did I hurt anyone?" There was a slight tremble in her voice. No one spoke for awhile. My guess is that they are shocked because something like this happened before. "No one got hurt Amber." Thor said which made her relax.

Amber's POV:

I relaxed but felt a hand holding my arm which made me turn my gaze to the ground again. "Steve, let her arm go for a sec." Black widow said. Soon after, the grip on my arm was removed. I kept my gaze on the ground for a few more seconds before lifting it up to look at the people in the room. The girl looked at me with knowing eyes. "I'm Natasha Romanoff. I'm pretty sure the red room never taught the newer classes my real name." I tilted my head at her. Why is she being so nice? She looked at the others who I could tell were wanting answers.

"From the way that she acted when Steve held her arm I could only guess that she was handled that way in the red room." Smart thinking. The attention soon shifted back to me which made me uncomfortable. What do they want? Do they want me to show them my powers? I probably looked like a deer in headlights under their gaze. I looked at Loki with a 'help me' look. I don't know why but I trust him more than I trust the others. "I'll take Amber to her room since I am the one who knows her the best." I rolled my eyes at his excuse. He may be the god of lies but even I can tell that he was lying.

I paused for a moment. How do I know that he's the god of lies?

Tyler Jackson (Jack)

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