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A/N : It's here! Please thank the beta readers who helped cut out a ton of time and give me a ton of tips!
@Lord_hax and @juvn_D_Snok cover art also made by lord_hax. Please enjoy and don't forget to comment.

'We are going to the US! Come on kids pack your things and be quick the flight leaves in a few hours' It was sudden, none of the children were expecting it. But they weren't going to complain, going to the US meant seeing their father and really, what kid wouldn't want that? He watched as Hina and Tanaka made a mad dash for their respective rooms, a wide smile adorned on each of their faces. Izuku arched his back letting him slide off the front of the family sofa, a rare smile plastered to his lips. after all, his mother had said kids, not just Hina and Tanaka. That meant him too, right? Right?
As if reading his mind Inko moved her arm to intercept his movement. The boy looked up meeting the gaze of his mother, confusion and fear mixed into his eyes. Inko smiled wider 'Hmm Izuku where are you going?' Inko sounded surprised and slightly curious, of course it was all an illusion to play with him. Izuku not seeing through the mask of his mother begun to question why he wouldn't need to go. Was his stuff already packed? Or were they going to pack together?
Izuku looked towards his mother l his head slightly turned, it was reminiscent of an innocent puppy. One that had not felt the despair of being abandoned.
'Just like the pet you are' Inko silently thought. Her smile had grown wider by the second, as her eyes became slits, Izuku knew that smile. He hated it. It meant he was in trouble.
'Why ever would you need to go pack Izuku dear' once again seemingly reading the young boys' thoughts. Her gaze bore a hole in his heart, as she left a pause in her speech allowing him to feel the fear to settle. 'You're staying in Japan. After all...' her face darkened only allowing the emerald glow of her eyes to shine through. She grinned while moving forward, with each step she forced the boy back, step after step until his back hit the wall. Izuku ignored the slight sting of his skull. He began to slide down from the wall, lowering himself beneath her. Inko stood towering over the young child as he slid further. her smile grew even wider at the sight of the young boy shivering in fear at her feet. coiling inwards at her cheeks her lips took on a comical shape, Just like a devil. 'Your just our worthless PET!'.
The world around him fell into darkness, colour drained from the walls like wet paint. The boy looked into those emerald orbs, much like his own they seemed to shine but hers..hers were filled with something sinister. She grew in size looming over him. A shadow has been cast, covering his entire being. His vision was covered, not a single piece of his surroundings was visible. Only that smile. He was scared, alone and worthless before it. Feeling the fear oozing out of the child, Inko cackled, it was fuelled by joy, but each breath made Izuku fill with dread.

'Rawhaha rahaha Ri-Haha Ring rahaha Ring Ring Ring RING RING'

A hand lay to rest onto a crimson beat up alarm clock, his aggressive thump doing it no favours. He had been lucky finding it at a local pawn shop for a rather cheap amount, and with having limited savings he had elected to buy it. Regretting the decision as he did every morning, he let his hand slide from the now silent machine. With a practiced groan he slumped out of his bed. As usual he was careful when putting a large amount of weight onto certain spots, since much like his alarm clock his bed was old and used. tape had been horribly plastered to corners to close up holes and he definitely knew some springs had just been removed altogether, but it was one of the things he could at least say he truly owned, so he stuck with it instead of sleeping on the floor in a futon. Pulling of his cover, he pulled his legs to the side of the bed, his feet touched the wood floor, nearly jumping at the sensation on reflex, he raised his toes only allowing his soles to be affected by the cold. Standing up he swiftly moved towards the bathroom, hoping to avoid contact with the main floor as much as possible he took wide steps wincing each time as he headed towards his bathroom.
Walking inside he looked towards the rooms only appliance, it was a fusion of both a toilet and sink with the sink part sat just atop the toilets water tank, any water that went through the sink would then be used to flush. It was great when it came to saving water, and in turn money, but not much else. The walls surrounding the toilet were a pasty yellow white. Any paint had been scrubbed off over the years what he hoped was just regular cleaning. The black and grey tiled floor was probably the worse off having half the tiles either missing or cracked leaving little space to manoeuvre unless he wished stepped onto even colder concrete. Silently cursing as he awkwardly positioned himself above the toilet, he had a lot of work to do so he might as well get ready for the day.
'That makes 100. sigh just another few hundred to go'. said Izuku sliding an orange ad leaflet into the brass letterbox of a random apartment building. His left arm was growing stiff from holding the stands of paper and with his elbow threatening to drop loose, Izuku knew he should speed up. Moving towards the next door, repeating the same process of with one hand. Opening the brass flap and sliding the orange slip inside, all whilst trying to avoid losing a finger to the rather aggressive snap of the springs inside. Taking another slow breath, he kept going. He had a time limit before school started and a few other jobs he needed to get done. Feeling a warm sensation on the back of his neck he turned around looking over the balcony of the apartment complex. His brow furrowed as he was met with a piercing light. The sun was peeking through the edge of the city. With yellow rays piercing his vision, Izuku quickly turned and looked back towards the doors of the apartment complex. With his deadline getting shorter he forced himself to ignore the almost audible groan of his arm as he made haste to finish his job.

An hour, a bit of mental swearing and a run in with a policeman curious to what the teen was doing so early on a Monday morning. He finally made it back to the office. Lucky no one else had shown up yet, the boy decided to not waste his luck, he swiftly made his way to the front doors of the agency building.
Adalin Ads. What started out as a family business, was considered a reliable and resourceful ad agency able to turn a near bankrupt store into thriving business, all for a price of course. And Izuku had the privilege, if you could call it that, to work there. Unlocking the front gate and waiting patiently as the metal sheet, there to protect the mainly glass doorway, was slowly dragged upward to give him access to the front entrance. Izuku then quickly went to change into his work uniform, after all he didn't want to ruin his new school uniform on his first day. Once changed into a light blue striped overall he made his way towards an isolated corridor, passing by each desk giving a cursory glance at every workspace for anything out of place. Satisfied that he won't have to worry much about the main office floor, he swiftly went and grabbed the cleaning trolley from the cupboard stashed away in the side corridor. Pulling out the cleaning trolley, a broom and a mop, he set to work.
A few minutes into cleaning the main office floor, a few of the more diligent workers started to arrive. Each gave a polite nod to the boy which he would reciprocate and then they would head to their respective desks and prepare for the onslaught of work Mondays seem to bring. It was all done in a peaceful quiet, something the few of them had grown to enjoy before their manager arrived. After cleaning the office windows, floor, and polishing a few of the emptier looking desks, Izuku made his way towards the cleaning cupboard. After depositing his cleaning supplies and reverting back into his new school uniform. It was a simple black Male sailor setup. It was a size larger than needed, so if he grew, he wouldn't have to worry about a new one. Content he was ready for his first day Izuku made his way towards the front doors. A slight bounce in his step, that didn't go unnoticed by the clerk as she raised a brow in curiosity, he reached for the silver handle...only to meet the gaze of the office manager.

Clint Smith was born and raised in the state of Texas. He was a natural leader to some, with him being a member of the football team along with being one of the smartest students in his school. His life should have been a breeze. Until some fuck faced no name quirkless 'prodigy' went and stole his college scholarship. Now he had to sit in some ass wipe country called japan, deal with all their stupid customs and work with around 50 damned quirkless himself! Honestly, he believed he had been sent to his own personal hell; he was too good to deserve this.

Today was likely to be like any other but something inside of him gave him hope. He had elected for one of his fine suits, going with a purple three piece with golden lining, his newly waxed oxford shoes and the latest Shield-watch designed by none other than David Shield himself! He didn't know why but today seemed special. Sure, he would probably spend it doing the same old, telling some quirkless runt to work harder, while continuing to gain the interest of his secretary Senasa. Yeah, the same old, same old. With a rare grin adorning his lips, Clint opened the doorway to enter the agency building. His agency building. Not even a step inside and he was met bump to his chest and the sound of something rather large hitting the floor. Looking down the grin turned into a full-blown smirk as his day seemed to get better.

Izuku fell to the floor rather gently, the only reason he even lost his footing was from the sheer fear of who he had run into. It was no secret that Clint hated the quirkless and that fact that the majority of those working here were part of that minority made it stand out like a sore thumb. If you were even a minute behind a deadline, he would cut pay, add more to your next workload or just straight up fire you. What made things even worse is that the board let him do it. The more people work the more money they make, and Clint knows how to slave people away. It was something he definitely took pride in.

Regaining his bearings, Izuku sat forward intent on getting back to his feet as quickly as possible in order to apologize. He only made it to one knee before he was knocked back down, his head collided with the floor and his vision faded for a few moments. His right temple was screaming in pain while the left side of his forehead started to ache from the impact. He looked forward; mind still dazed only to be met with another impact. He landed on his spine as the air was robbed from his lungs. Once again, he tried to balance himself, a hand moved towards his nose, the familiar feeling of crimson soaked between his fingers. With eyes beginning to burst in tears, Izuku fought the pain, he bent forward barely keeping his composure as he bowed towards his aggressor. Izuku shook with fear and pain, as he watched blood pool on the floors he had just cleaned. His broken nose forcing him to breathe through his mouth, he tasted the iron liquid run past his lips. His head had quieted down, so the main point of pain was currently his most likely broken nose. He kept his head plastered to the floorboards; any movement would only add to his misfortune.

Clint on his part was rather pleased. He rarely had chances to exercise his quirk and with a useless body bag like the quirkless janitor around, who needed a quirk gym? He looked down towards his work, a sharp smile raised his cheeks. He placed a shoe onto the boy's head and applied some pressure, pleased to hear a muffled whimper from the boy. After a few moments of sadistic glee, he allowed his foot to rest on the floor once again and simply walked past, not bothering a secondary glance at his disposable body bag.

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