Chance Encounter?

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Hands clasped ears, as her head fell to her knees and she found herself half sitting onto the floor. The waves of rings consumed her hearing, she couldn't open her eyes as the flashes of explosives filled the street so she was stuck there, mind battered by her flooded senses. She was only there for a few moments, cuddled into herself like a fetus locked in its womb.

The ringing of an alarm turned into that of a clock tower, with the temporary slowing yet sounding more monstrous with every tick. Her eyes settled as the white flashes fell into the darkness of her eyelids. She forced her eyes open, crusty from debris and dry to the air, it took a few quick flaps of her lids and she could make out the hazy daze of a battlefield.

Cars broken from the weight of debris as green sludge littered the sidewalk, the sounds of bombs detonating just a few blocks away. Her throat hurt from the Ash that had seeped into her lungs and her nose became useless with the pungent smell of charred flesh.

Rising on buckling knees, her neck whipped around for the sight of Sebastian, knowing he was next to her just moments ago. She checked the few bodies nearby, seeing on casual clothing covered in a slimy red. Stepping forward to see better she tripped, knees unable to support her leaning weight she fell to the ground.

Not caring for the pain in her legs, Momo tried to stand, her arms buckling under her upper body weight despite its surprising muscle. Looking backwards towards the object she had just tripped on, Momo met the open eyed, gaping face of sebastian. Crawling back in fear, hands slightly cut on the clutter of broken specks of glass that lined the street. Far too fearful for even pain to remain present she pushed herself onto her boots, shaky in her steps and rushed to the sidewalk hoping to use the buildings as a latch for balance.

The sounds of police cars meshed with the still booming ringing, it was only offset by the audia palpation of her heart to her chest, each beat a melody to calm her. The smell of bodies never waved however and was a constant reminder of what situation she was in, using the wall of a still standing building as a brace. Momo limped across the sidewalk, her left knee barely holding her weight as her right pulled her along, her shoulder slightly scratching the brick as she passed.

Momo's clothes had seen little action, only suffering from dust and the hole that was opening on her left shoulder. Boots with soles that carried glass and knee length tights that had gained a few slashes but nothing that required immediate fixing. Hands slipping into her skirt, she pulled out her phone and despite its normally unnecessary protection, the screen itself seemed to be what she landed on as it was now more reminiscent of a church's mosaic instead of an actual phone. Pushing the device back into her pocket, Momo decided to find a safer space to sit down till the heroes dealt with whatever was churning up the street just two blocks away.

Eyeing the same alley way the car had stopped at, she limped onward, hoping that the living sewage thing would be dealt with sooner than later. Turning the corner and thankful to be smelling dumpsters instead of burnt flesh, she leaned against the only dry part of the wall, legs succumbed to gravity and she found herself dropping to the ground for the last few inches. Rubbing her hips as her knees wound inwards and her ankles met her shirt, Momo curled into a fetal position yet again, hoping for the local heroes to turn up.

Death arms walked past the civilian line, legs and stance wide as he made contact with the few police officers not currently engaged in a border dispute with the general public. He waved to one of the men standing to the side, who seemed to be watching as kamui woods grabbed theown debris.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2020 ⏰

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