The start of the fall

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Beta read by @megaman1549 @Lord_hax @juvn_D_Snok

(Meet the beta readers!)

"Testing, testing. Is this mic on? OK! Hello there! I'm Lord_Hax, one of the beta readers for the story! I hope you're all enjoying what has been produced so far. As I, the other beta readers, and the author, all have fun making the chapters as best as they can be. I don't wanna ramble on but, I was given permission to promote my story here so I'll pounce on that opportunity! Check out my story, Let Me Hold Your Heart. It's a Izuku x Itsuka fanfic, if you're interested in that ship. That's all from me! Lord_Hax out!!" ( : Provided by Author since Hax forgot it himself. *Silently shakes head in disappointment*

"... Did that idiot just jump out of the window? Doesn't he know that this is a 10 story building? Know what? I don't wanna know. Anyway, hey, this is Juvn_D_Snok, another beta reader, and I just wanna give you a quote. "What's a good goal, if you don't enjoy yourself along the way?" I don't know if I've ever seen it before and just remembered it or something, but I like this way of thinking. Until next time, Juvn, leaving through the door, unlike some other people. Many hugs from me, and until next time, goodbye."

Izuku didn't have time to respond before Bakugou's fist was thrown into his face. Izuku moved a step backwards only able to get so far on reaction alone, his left foot lost ground as he slightly fell backwards, adding on with his earlier movement and Izuku was close to falling on his butt. Even if his falling didn't do anything to help him dodge the attack, the force of the blow was softened. Izuku slammed into the ground much harder than he expected, his gaze was losing focus and his lungs lost their grip onto his breath as his spine flew into the railing. With his back slapped against metal bars, his mouth gained the familiar taste of copper, Izuku eyed the rampant boy who once again lunged towards him with a feral grin and a sharp almost chaotic look in his Ruby eyes.

"Midoriya, who the fuck do you think you are?!". His fist once again impacted with his cheek however the distance Bakugou had to cover allowed his punch to lose force, Izuku still fell to the ground, but he was pretty sure his teeth and jaw were still intact, for someone in their teens Bakugou could hit hard. Izuku looked upwards, his eyes only able to make out spots of colour and a fuzzy shape of his aggressor. A moment passed, Bakugou steadily walked towards him, his arms now tucked into his pockets. Izuku's eyes slowly gained, he looked towards Bakugou knowing his type lived off the attention and if he decided to look away or focus on something else, it would only enrage him further. The boy sneered at him, teeth on show and Izuku couldn't help but compare him to a hyena ready to pounce on rotting flesh. His rotten flesh. Expecting an answer, Bakugo pulled his hands from his pockets only slightly and allowed his palms to pop. Izuku only tensed at the noise, the sensation of heat and pain mixed together brought memories he would much rather forget. Bakugou grew impatient at Izuku's unwillingness to answer, sweat became fuel to an explosion as he slammed his fist onto a clear patch of concrete just a few inches from his face. With now ringing ears and his other senses preoccupied with either pain or the all too familiar taste of copper, Izuku slowly brought himself to his elbows. Legs too petrified in fear to move, muscles refusing any instruction, halting in place allowing for the fear of being trapped with a deranged living missile to wash over his already flooding system.

"Well? Answer me fuckface!" Another explosion, placed only a few centimeters from his left ear. Izuku's breathing became rapid, his eyes gazing off to the distance. Bakugou, slightly confused at a response no one had previously shown to him, backed off, although he kept his guard up and eyes trained on the green haired student . Izuku, noticed Bakugou's semi retreat, electing to calm himself before he spoke, he settled his breathing, looking into the eyes of yet another person who seemingly hated him for a reason he couldn't decipher. He looked around the rooftop, only hearing the echoing steps of the few students who had attended the roof at lunch, so much for help. Another pop, and his eyes scarily focused onto Ruby iris.

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