A New Rival

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Beta read by @megaman1549 @Lord_hax @juvn_D_Snok

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Katsuki was fucking pissed, well, more pissed than usual. He stomped towards the cafeteria, clothes loosely clinging towards his figure, his hands forced deep in his pockets, fingers closed in a death grip. He eyed the twin green metal doors leading into the cafeteria. In a swift and decisive motion that portrayed the appearance of a sleazy delinquent, he kicked the surprising loose and light metal doors open. As planned the sudden scraping of metal and moaning of rusted hinges brought the attention of the main student body. To most, the attention received from such an action would fluster even some of the most straight-faced individuals, but to Katsuki, his grin grew wider. He looked toward the students eating their daily lunch. All their eyes bore into him, some displayed annoyance, a few of the more stupid students even scoffed, he would find them later and remind them of their manners. His hands robotically twitched at the thought. Keeping himself composed, Katsuki glared towards them as he caught the eyes of the few who had the gall to scoff at his entrance. Looking back at the general populace, he saw it. The one thing found in every pair of eyes, it was tunnelled deep, grown, and fed over months, even years, of servitude. Fear. On most days Katsuki would have displayed a grin of superior might with glee. Today was different. He took a calmed stomp forward, hands still locked into the pockets of his trousers, allowing his quirk to fester and pour into his palm, ready for detonation.

"Where. The Fuck. Is. Izuku Midoriya!" Katsuki roared, his chin raised with inflated pride as he addressed what he would refer to as his current kingdom.

All eyes turned inward, faces of confusion and curiosity filled the cafeteria once the masses learned that Katsuki's fury was directed at some other poor stranger. The extras all eyed one another, mentally questioning the whereabouts of Bakugo's newest target. "Well?" he moaned, annoyance dripping from the word. He let a pause fill the already tense air, stretching out the silence as he awaited an answer. Nothing came. "You useless extras! You better not be hiding him! If you are!" A pop ended his sentence, hands that were once warmed by trouser pockets now exposed to the dusty air of the school cafeteria. Another pop, although this time it was far louder. A few of Bakugo's previous meat bags jumped at the sound, likely from remembering their past experience. Those children knew to crawl inwards, to hide any trace of their presence. To fear him. Just like Izuku Midoriya would.

Izuku sat on the chilling roof of the school's main building. His lunch, as always, was wrapped in the confines of a blue organic plastic bag. Some guy in Germany had developed the polymer with the help of his quirk. The material looked like a regular plastic bag; he even mistook it for one at first sight. What was different was how it could heal itself from minor tears and cuts. It was easily the most expensive thing he owned. A light chuckle filled the solemn silence around him. It was funny to know that he used his most expensive object as a lunch bag. That something as rare as a living plastic bag was used to hold rice balls. Pulling out one of the white balls of fluff, he took a large bite through it, the fatigue of the daily morning run slowly fading. With each bite he thought back to the day he had received the bag, more of a pity present than anything else but he wasn't one to complain. He kept eating, but his mind wandered over to the memory, it happened just a few weeks ago.

Izuku walked towards the Adalin Ads building, school was another two weeks into the future and he still had to buy a uniform. He let out a pressured sigh, with the uniform costs and rent coming up he was going to be stressed for food this week. Dammit. The yellow sign came into view, it ran off the electricity of one of the quirked users, apparently the guy was pretty well off because of it. Walking through the double doors, Izuku took in the silence as he made his way towards the cleaning cupboard.

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