Settling in

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Beta read by @megaman1549 @Lord_hax @juvn_D_Snok

One second. One second was all Izuku had to himself in silence before he was assaulted with an orchestra of questions, each layered over the other, not a single coherent word, let alone sentence to enter his ears. It was deafening, he felt like he had been swallowed in noise. Unable to react, all Izuku could do was sit statue still with a similar stone cold expression as the classroom funnelled the last of their oppressive inquiries down his ear canal. The class started to silence, maybe from understanding that they may have overdone the interrogation or rather boredom because of Izuku's lack of responses. A tap on his shoulder drew his attention, he jumped slightly but quickly anchored himself. His gaze followed the retreating hand of the redhead he had spoken to at the start of homeroom.

She gently brushed the light pink and white nail of her index finger over the curvature of her ear bringing her silky red hair along with it, it was like a sign saying she would listen. A knowing smile appeared on her lips as she noticed the attention the previous action had garnered from the boy. Seeing the greenette calm slightly was reassuring, he seemed to lack social skills based on how he practically froze when given the slightest amount of attention. Home schooled maybe? Whatever, those questions could wait. She eyed the... colourful group of students around them and pointed to the door with her emerald iris. The action was picked up by most of the girls and some of the less ignorant boys, soon after most of the class had slowly walked out and off to the school's excuse for a gym, they had PE first so she was lucky the boy wouldn't have to be the centre of attention for a whole hour of class. Speaking of which, he seemed rather confused at how robotic most of the previously crazed pack of students had acted. That was understandable. He looked towards her again after surveying the retreating students. His own emerald orbs gazed into hers as she offered a calming smile. His breathing became less erratic and his motions became far more natural. That was a good sign.

"Hina Suji". His gaze grew more confused as he mentally deciphered the words, his head even tilting to the left like a lost pup. It was relaxing. "Hina Suji, it's my name. You seem like you could use a familiar face right now.". Understanding replaced confusion as his head lost its puppy like tilt and the tension in his brow loosened. "How are you a familiar face if I only met you today?". The question was filled with curiosity and maybe some anticipation. Did he think we had some secret past only I remembered? How cute. A small laugh rushed past my lips before I could calm myself at the thought. He again tilted his head in confusion and curiosity, his eyes stared into hers begging for an answer. How could she refuse. "Well we spoke during homeroom aaaand now you know my name. That means I'm a familiar face...".

It took a second but Izuku understood the hidden question hidden beneath her silence, he jumped in realisation, placing the palm and fingers of his scrunched up hands onto the fabric of his trousers, his head dipped slightly as he eyed those very same hands. "Izuku Midoriya, it's very nice to meet you.". They sat in silence for a moment, possibly too long, Izuku kept his gaze fixed to his whitening knuckles, he didn't know why but he felt that his statement would be less sincere if he allowed his head to rise. The now uncomfortable silence was broken by the laughter of Hira. Shoulders tensing at the sudden outburst. Eyes widened, they darted forward focusing on the movement in the outskirts of his vision, he noticed Hira's shoes rise and fall in synch with the lullaby of laughter. Dual Green iris followed the appendages till he reached straight strawberry hair.

Hira was currently having the time of her life. She had no idea why he was so timid, but the stark contrast to every other student at Aldera had somehow set her lungs into rhythmic motion. Had Ms Joke used her quirk nearby? She just couldn't stop. Emerald eyes poking open, they soon latched onto the confused gaze of Izuku. His head tilt wasn't present this time, but his unease was clearly growing. Shit. Slowing breath, Hira allowed herself to calm down. "Sorry Midoriya, you were just so timid, you're really different from the rest of us so I found it funny you would even think of coming here. Sorry" Hira tried to be sincere, her grin even coiling into a dissatisfied smirk. "Come on, we have PE first and most of our class must be changed already."

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