A new start

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Beta read by @megaman1549 @Lord_hax @juvn_D_Snok

Fuck. He was soooo going to be late to school. He was lucky enough that the company's on site nurse let him go without too many questions, all he had to do was mention Clint and was let go. Any longer and he would likely miss more than half the school day. Being quirkless already put him at a lower level than everyone else, the thought alone left a bitter taste in his mouth, it's why he couldn't ruin this chance.... Not after coming this far. Deciding he would rather be a breathless and sweaty mess than in more trouble, Izuku tightened the straps on his beat-up forest green backpack, one of the few possessions he's held onto since his time living with Inko. He shook his head, not allowing the memories to take hold. Sliding out a cracked, half exposed phone from his trouser pocket, he pulled up the map's app hoping to find a shortcut to his destination. After a few swipes, Izuku spotted an alley that could shave off a few minutes on time, noticing the corner he'd have to pass to reach it he started sprinting, making a mad dash in the direction of Aldera middle school.

Toshinori was currently heading home, paper bag in hand from the local grocery store with ingredients for tonight's hotpot. He had Tsukauchi coming over tonight so they could brainstorm over one of his more stressful cases. With some hope, Toshinori hoped he could get the detective to sleep, his eyes seemed to grow dimmer with each meeting and the bags underneath were an unhealthy shade of black. It reminded him of some of the more... enthusiastic underground heroes he has had the chance to meet. Deciding to worry about his friend when he actually saw him, Toshinori continued the walk home. With a sigh he turned the street corner...only to be pushed aside by a green blur. He landed backwards with his elbows suffering the majority of the damage, he felt his skeletor figure almost buckle under the force, only barely able to keep himself from completely collapsing to the ground.

Regaining his bearings, Toshinori snapped his neck to the direction of the emerald projectile, only to see a small child no older than 14 sprint away from his view rounding the same corner he had just turned from, eventually leaving his line of sight. With a second sigh in just as many minutes, he pushed himself upward, feeling the groan of his joints as he did. Wiping away at any loose dirt from his excessively baggy clothing. Toshinori wasn't one to judge others based off first appearances, or at least he liked to think he didn't, but kids this generation seem to only be getting ruder than the last. Deciding to let things be, he once again set about making his way home. Only a few steps into his journey and Toshinori felt a lack of weight in his left hand, mentally cursing, he turned on his heel with a blank expression eyeing the scattered remains of his hotpot groceries. His head dropped and a cloud of despair formed above his shoulders only extenuating the point. "Damn kids. What would have him running so fast?". His first and immediate thought was a villain possibly attacking the child. Toshinori buffed up into his All Might form, only to look around and see. Nothing. Closing his eyes hoping to use his heightened hearing to locate the possible villain. Again nothing. A moment later he deflated, releasing a bated breath as he did. Looking back down to his ruined hotpot and casting the thought of the wild child aside, he pinched the bridge of his nose, turning in the direction of the farmers market. "Whatever. I have the money, might as well go and buy some more.".

Izuku quickly ran through the alleyway, he felt bad for that sick guy he knocked over.... but not being late for school was equally important. Ok. Maybeeeee he was stretching its importance a tad bit. But, not many schools accepted quirkless students anymore, the few that did would tend to add a large fee for who knows what. He only got into Aldera because he had grades comparable to their best students or student as the rumours went. Aldera was no way considered an elite school, in fact it was even seen as one of the worst in the prefecture, even so they were willing to let Izuku attend without having to fork over an arm, leg and kidney. It was honestly a once in a lifetime opportunity for him, and rumours were that Aldera had a UA candidate, so if Izuku had grades at that level then he should be alright even if he was a tad late. Right?

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