It all falls down

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Izuku slowly stepped up the stairs towards his apartment. Green locks blocked his line of sight, water droplets devoid of his attention. His clothing soaked, the burns from Monday still showing through. Today was Thursday. He probably should have been grateful they didn't dispose of his clothes, he would rather this than going back in whatever they had in the lost and found section. Accepting his fate, Izuku continued up the stairs towards his apartment, the icy wind only farthing he wanted for home and needed to be dry. His eyes met the brown wooden doorway of his not so sweet abode, a yellow note plastered to the wood drew his attention. Curious, he pulled the note from his doorway, now noticing the plastic sleeve used to contain it and likely to protect it from the rain, Izuku opened it with delicate fingers noticing the importance of such a thing.


No. No no no no no no no no...........

Izuku clutched the ragged clothing loosely covering his chest, his shoulders rose and dropped at an increasing speed, the corners of his vision slowly turned black. He fell to his knees, ignoring the pain from the sudden drop as his head followed with his body and connected with the floor. His hands clung to the outskirts of his ears, trying to drown out the mashed and scrambled song of the world, a sound he was reminded had half its audio missing. Eyes, somehow dry and yet dripping with a bleeding emotion. Fear.

He couldn't go back, not to the streets. He could handle the mouldy food, scraped from the innards of alleyway rubbish bins. He could handle the haunting frost and the nagging rain. He could even handle the sorrow filled stares that found him through the alleyway. No, what he couldn't handle were the others. The other homeless people, the men too fed up with life to care about the law. Or the feelings of a young child. He couldn't handle that feeling again, the pain that continued the tamale in places one shouldn't have to experience. It nearly broke him permanently. For a short time it did, as the few months were washed away by the weekly visits of vulgar men, no matter where he would travel to no matter how far he had gone. They always returned, he wouldn't realise at first but the sound of metal unceasing or a slow zip unfastened would give it away. Then there would only be pain.

He would rather be beaten bloody by those horrid people than suffer THAT again. He would rather... he would rather die.

A moment of clarity consumed him, the once shaky, almost unstable rise and fall of his back became slow and organised. His eyes once washed over with fear; fear of a past one would give everything to forget, that fear cleared as emerald eyes focused. Forest green turned lime as rain continued to beat down upon his back, his soaked clothes stuck to his skeletal figure. His head rose, Izuku watched the rain fall, silently, each drop reflecting the face of a broken boy. The broken boy who had decided he suffered enough. A broken boy who would rather die than suffer again. So that's what he would do.

Izuku had pushed through life, through the dark swamp that was his preteen years. He had pushed through the sewers of his early teens and he was only halfway through the desert that was his young adult life. Izuku thought he had found an oasis in the dry desert. A vast pool of clear, sky blue water, surrounded by a mesh of green grass and life. Trees stood tall, light brown bark layered its outside like scales, all to protect the treasure at the top. A sigh had been placed on the outskirts of such a paradise, it was the adalin ads logo.

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