(n.) relating to or characteristics of heaven or paradise
When bonds between vampires and the rest of the magical world become strained, the Council of Magical Species hosts a meeting in order to discuss the next plan of action.
Min Yoongi...
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True to his words, the next day, Yoongi had forbade anyone from leaving the castle, unless it was trained troops out on a mission. Many complained about this, saying that they'll go crazy without going outside, some even saying that they are being stupid, and that there is no such thing as black magic.
Those ones were confined to their rooms with locks on their doors.
Fortunately, some people were trying to be optimistic, trying out new hobbies such as painting, sewing, and cooking. Some even started to learn how to sword fight, in fear that their castle may someday be invaded.
Jimin really hopes they won't invade. He really likes the place.
Taehyung had brought him to a hot spring that was within the castle walls, a cave that was underneath the castle. It was a natural hot spring, steam rising steadily from the water. Jimin stared in awe around him. The rocks were jagged, giving way to patterns and sharp corners. The water was a marine blue, and the bottom was filled with fine, white sand.
"Come on Chim!" Taehyung called, splashing around in the water. They were naked, but both had become familiar enough with each other that being naked wasn't a problem. "It's the nicest temperature!"
Jimin touched the water with his toes, testing the temperature before allowing himself to dip in, lowering himself in slowly. He sighed in contentment when the warm water enveloped his body, making is muscles go lax. He closed his eyes in bliss, enjoying the warmness, only to be interrupted by Taehyung dunking his head under the water.
Jimin let out a scream, but it was muffled by the water, bubbles streaming out of his mouth. The moment Jimin popped back out of the water, he searched for Taehyung in order to get his revenge.
"Stop, stop!" Taehyung pleaded, giggles falling from his mouth as Jimin chased him, or rather waddled after him around the pool.
"Come back here!" Jimin yelled, managing to catch up to Taehyung and push him under. Taehyung struggled in his grip for a few moments, before going lax and wriggling out of his grasp. He resurfaced and splashed water into Jimin's face, making the fairy squawk.
"I'll get you for that!"
Playing around in a pool did wonders in sapping away their energy, causing them to slowly walk back up to the castle, wet as a dog.
Some gave them disapproving stares, and Jimin caught sight of Alyssa, who was sneering at them from afar. When she saw that they had noticed her, she detached her oversized ass from the wall and sashayed towards them, her hips rocking side to side.
Her dress was incredibly revealing today, tight in every part of her body, her breast covered just enough to hide her nipples. Jimin grimaced at her, and Taehyung looked away pointedly.
"You smell like a wet rat." She snarled, sniffing before curling away in fake disgust. Jimin knee she was lying, because a few days ago Taehyung told Jimjn that he always smelled like flowers.
Taehyung smelled like rain, and a little bit of a musky scent Jimin assumed belonged to Jungkook. It was not a bad smell, but a homely one.
"Fuck off Alyssa and take your fat ass with you." Taehyung snapped, breezing past the girl and dragging Jimin with him. Looking back, Jimin saw Alyssa looking at him darkly, and he shivered, feeling unrest from her eyes.
"That bitch never knows when to stop!" Taehyung rants. "She already knows Yoongi is taken by you, but it's like she's too dumb and blind to realize!"
Jimin finds it awfully endearing how two people passionately hate another person.
"Calm down Tae." He giggled, patting Taehyungs head cutely. "I'm cold and wet, and I wanna get dressed in something warm and dry again. Also, I don't wanna think about her."
Taehyung quickly nodded and followed Jimin back to his room where they could change.
Before, Jimins wardrobe was strictly his clothes, but since Taehyung and him often end up in different places around the castle, they just go to the room that it the closest and change there. Because of this, Jimin has some of Taehyung's clothes, and Taehyung has some of Jimin's clothes.
Jimin was so busy trying to tie the laces at the back of his dress, that he didn't notice Taehyung staring curiously at the open space in front of the window.
"This place used to house a couch, what happened to it?" Taehyung asked curiously, and Jimin looked back to see what he was talking about.
"Oh, I've been learning how to dance." Jimin replied shyly, and Taehyung opened his mouth in surprise. "Wah, really?" He asked, and Jimin nodded.
"I just started, and I don't think I'm very good at it." Taehyung huffed incredulously. "Well, you can't say that if I haven't seen it yet!"
Jimin backed away, shaking his head. "I'm not very goo-,"
Taehyung leaned foreword and pulled Jimin to the open space, grinning his goofy box grin. "Come one Chim! Just for me?" Jimin sighed, but agreed because he was weak for his friend.
He positioned himself in the open space, closing his eyes and imagining a melody. His feet started to move, sweeping around in gentle circles as he moved across the floor. He twirled around, arms spread out beside him as he arched his back, pausing for a moment before moving again. He was starting to get engrossed in the dance, forgetting his surroundings and allowing himself to be submerged in his own imagination.
He imagined gentle hands caressing his face, another firm body behind him. He-
Stopping suddenly, Jimin opened his eyes to find Taehyung staring at him in awe. "I swear Chim, you were born for dancing." Jimin flushed at Taehyung praise, cheeks turning a lovely pink.
"I wonder what would Yoongi think?" Jimin squeaked and batted Taehyung away from him, growing warm at the thought of Yoongi watching him dance-
"He'd probably take you right on the ground if you did."
School ends on the 15, so I hope that maybe I'll get more time to write. Idk.
Thank you for a reading and don't forget to vote and comment! Have a nice day!!!