(n.) relating to or characteristics of heaven or paradise
When bonds between vampires and the rest of the magical world become strained, the Council of Magical Species hosts a meeting in order to discuss the next plan of action.
Min Yoongi...
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This is absolutely adorable. Credits to the author!!!
When Yoongi awoke again, he woke to a strangely warm entity.
Sure, Jimin was warm, but this was like fireplace and marshmallows kind of warm. Yoongi opened one eyelid and was astounded to see Jimin's skin glowing.
Like literally Jimin's skin was glowing like the sun.
Yoongi stared at Jimin's skin for a few seconds before poking Jimin in the side. When Jimin didn't move, he did it again.
The moment he made contact, Jimin's arm came up and smacked him. "What you poking me for?" Jimin mumbled, his eyes opening and staring at Yoongi.
Yoongi gestured to his body. "Your skin...it's, glowing." Jimin looked down at where Yoongi was pointing and squeaked, his arms flailing as he fought to sit up. He inspected his body thoroughly, his mouth open as he took note of skin being bright.
It wasn't blinding, but a soft glow, hardly noticeable now that the sun had become brighter. Before long, the flow was gone, as well as the trace of heat Yoongi had felt earlier. They looked at each other silently before Jimin exploded.
"What the hell was that?!" Jimin screeched, running to the bathroom to inspect himself. "I'm not glowing anymore, but I'm shiny! Why am I shiny? I'm didn't get poisoned did I?" Yoongi ran a soothing hand down Jimin's back. "Are you sure it's not a fairy thing?" Jimin shook his head. "No, we're mainly good with animals, or we like to bewitch others. One or the other. I've never heard of anything like this."
After a while, the sparkles faded away as well.
Jimin stood there for a while, staring into the mirror. There was no mistaking it. His skin really had been glowing and sparkling, even Yoongi saw it. Jimin ran a hand over his skin, now that it turned back to normal.
What was happening?
He didn't hear Yoongi come back into the classroom, holding up a light green dress in his hand. "You want to go to Namjoon for help? He knows a lot of things you know." Jimin nodded and accepted the dress, putting it on quickly before slipping on sandals and following Yoongi out the door.
Arriving in Namjoons office, Yoongi rapped his knuckles in a pattern of taps, and Namjoon opened the door almost immediately after. "Yoongi." He greeted. "What's up?" He opened the door wider to let them in and shut the door behind them.
They sat down on one of the plush sofas in the room.
"I just wanted to ask you, what do you know about fairies and their abilities?" Yoongi asked. Namjoons eyebrows lifted, his eyes quickly shifting towards Jimin before shifting back to Yoongi. "Has something to do with Jimin I presume?" Yoongi nodded.
"For Fairies, or Fae, their signature trait is the ability to bewitch others. Some are able to bewitch animals to do their bidding, while some are able to do it to humans." Namjoon explained.
"I can do it to animals but I prefer the natural way." Jimin spoke up. "That way is doesn't feel forced."
"Like Bean right?" Jimin nodded.
"Of course," Namjoon continued. "Some fairies ability to bewitch are stronger than others, but rarely do Fairies develop another ability other than that. There has been documented cases of Fairies developing wings, as well as a form of magic, but it has been a around 500 years or longer since one has appeared to be able to do that." Yoongi looked at Jimin before looking back at Namjoon. That action did not go unnoticed.
"Is there...any mention of glowing skin? Sparkling? I don't know, radiating?" Namjoon hummed and thought for a moment while Yoongi and Jimin held their breath.
"Now that..." Namjoon trailed off. "I've never heard of it other than it being a myth." Jimin cocked his head. "But wouldn't having magic enable you to, I don't know, glow?" Namjoon shook his head. "No. At least, not in the way you're describing. An aura? Sure. But your skin actually glowing? That doesn't happen."
Jimin frowned. He was pretty sure that his skin was glowing, and apparently it was warm too. Definitely not an aura. If it were an aura, his skin wouldn't go all sparkly like that. Yoongi seemed to share the same thought as him.
"But that's the thing Namjoon." Yoongi stressed. "I saw it, and Jimin definitely did not have an aura surrounding him." Namjoon cocked his head, thinking thoughtfully. "Was it in the morning? While you guys were sleeping?" Jimin nodded feverishly. "Yoongi noticed first, because he woke up before me, and I didn't notice until he poked my skin." Yoongi blushed. Why did that sentence sound idiotic?
"Did...you feel warm? But not the fever type of warm. And how long did it fade away after you got up?" Jimin thought back to the events that had occurred just over thirty minutes ago. "I did feel warm when I woke up, warmer than usual. The glow faded first with the warmth, and then there were these sparkles in my skin before they faded as well." After hearing that, Namjoon sat back in thought, rubbing his fingers over his chin subconsciously.
"If you want," he began. "I could do some research? I don't know that much about the fairies with only light readings in my background. Fae are secretive, Jimin, as you probably know, so I'd have to do more extensive research."
Yoongi up and thanked Namjoon, the both of them sharing a brotherly type of hug, and Jimin hugging Namjoon too, before they leave his office.
"You think I could be something like those in the myths?" Jimin said excitedly as they walk hand in hand down the hallway. He was bouncing slightly in his step. Of course, the thought to have an ability thought to be a myth would make anyone ecstatic.
"There's a chance". Yoongi agreed. "That glow of yours I saw this morning really was special I think." Jimin smiled at him happily.