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Credits to the author

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Credits to the author. It's gorgeussssss!!!!


When Daewon reported the decision to go to to war with the Vampires, it was met with different reactions. Some agreed with his decision and some were totally against it.

"I thought we made a decision to vote before making any decisions!" The fairy councilman argued, and he was met with sounds of agreement from his own kingdom and others.

However, the sirens, who understood the reason for their declaration of war, agreed with Daewon.

"They attacked a pod member." One siren spokesman said. To the sirens who lived in pods, family relationships were important to them. "Their decision is totally understandable."

"Yes, but the new leader is unknown, and we don't know anything about him! All we know is that the previous leader suddenly died and he took over." A witch clan member argued. "Rushing into would be a rash and stupid decision."

Daewon sighed. "We won't be rushing in to attack. We'll send a couple of our soldiers to investigate. Hopefully they'll be able to get an idea of who the new leader is and what we're up against."

The others looked satisfied with the answer. "Then the meeting is adjourned."

"I don't get it." Jimjn whined, pouting at the jumbled up mess in his hands. Taehyung had decided that day that they were going to make food, and asked if Jin could teach them.

Unfortunately, Jimin wasn't very good at it, and often made mistakes when trying to follow the recipe.  Fortunately, Jin was very patient and showed Jimin what to do every step of the way.

So the ending result was actually okay.

"It may not look okay but I guess it's pretty good." Jimin mumbled between mouthfuls. Taehyung slapped his back making Jimin squeak, laughing loudly. "Of course it good! The recipe is practically fail safe!"

Suddenly, the door slammed open and a servant rushed in with tired pants. "Lord Min and his son are back!" Jimin leaked up from his chair and ran from the room, Taehyung and Jin following. When they finally see The Mins, there was already a crowd of people. Jin goes off to find a tall handsome man, with a set of dimples on each cheek.

When Jimin approached the Mins, the crowd parted to let him through. He thinks he even caught Alyssa glaring at him with a stink eye.

"Hey Sunshine." Yoongi murmurs when he catches sight of the young fairy. He leads them out of the crowd and into a smaller area with less people. "How was your day?"

For some reason, Jimin's heart always feels like it's going to burst whenever he is in front of the older werewolf. He smiles shyly and fiddles with his dress. "Really good." He says. "Jin, Taehyung and I made food."

"Oh really? How did that go?" Jimin blushed in embarrassment. "It...looked okay." He looks up to see Yoongi smiling amusedly at him. "H-how was your day?"

Yoongi sighed. "It went surprisingly well, to be honest. They agreed to our decision only if we send troops to investigate. Seems like they want to use us to get information for themselves."

Jimin looked at Yoongi and realized what it meant. It was kind of scary, because Jimin had always lived a sheltered life, staying at home and acting pretty. Here in the Kingdom of the Werewolves, he finally has time for himself to do what he wants. But that also means being exposed to the dark side of their species.


"W-what about after?" Yoongi shrugged. "I don't know. We'll have to see."

Jimin nodded, and he stood there awkwardly not sure of what to say. Yoongi chuckled seeing Jimin squirm. "Walk with me?"

He led Jimin outside to the woods where they first met, taking his hands gently and cradling it with his own, bigger hand. They walked together in comfortable silence, before stopping by a small creek. The water was crystal clear and tranquil, deep enough that if someone were to jump in, it would reach their waist.

"Are you feeling hot?" Yoongi asked, and Jimin looked up at him in confusion. "Kind of?" Yoongi smirked. "Good."

Then he pushed Jimin into the water.

Jimin let out a shrill scream when he landed in the water, the cold water a vast difference compared to the heat of his skin. He fumbled about, bubbles blowing past his face. He thrashed about until he managed to reach the surface. 

He broke the water gasping, his eyes zeroing down to where Yoongi stood there, doubling over in laughter. With a urge for revenge, Jimin reached out and pulled Yoongi down with him.

Yoongi shrieked loudly before his scream was cut out by Jimin pushing him into the water. He remerged coughing and immediately turned around to attack Jimin, who giggled and ran away as fast as the water permitted him.

It wasn't very fast.

Yoongi managed to get his arms around Jimin's waist and lifted him up before dropping him into the water.

They fooled around like that for hours on end, Yoongi not getting enough of Jimin's gleeful and sweet sounding giggles, and Jimin not getting enough of Yoongi's adorable smile.

At sunset, they collapsed on a flat stone rock, breathing heavily. Their clothes sticked to their bodies and their hair completely wet.

Yoongi turned to look at Jimin but blushed when he sees Jimin's dress sticking to his body, and he could see the outline of his chest, his two pebbled nipples hard. His eyes then trailed to Jimin small waist and thick thighs.

"Yoongi?" Looking up, he noticed Jimin staring at him with a confused look on his face. "What are you looking at?" Shaking the dirty thoughts from his head, he smiled at Jimin.

"It's nothing."


Sorry I updated so late! I forgot bc I was cooking food.

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