points for gryffindor

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That morning, shocking news spread through the whole school.

At first, Gryffindors passing the giant hourglasses that recorded the house points the next day thought there'd been a mistake. How could they suddenly have a hundred and fifty points fewer than yesterday? And then the story started to spread: Harry Potter, the famous Harry Potter, their hero of two Quidditch matches, had lost them all those points, him and a couple of other stupid first years. From being one of the most popular and admired people at the school, Harry was suddenly the most hated.

Even her own house and Ravenclaw turned on him, as they'd all wanted to see Slytherin lose their straight 7-year record. Only the Slytherins were happy, thanking Harry in the halls. She didn't though. And neither were Fred and George. They knew very well how it was to lose your house's points. After all, they were doing it all the time. They were still a little bit irritated by it, seeing as Gryffindor almost won the house cup, but now, no matter how much they tried, Slytherin was still going to win.

She felt very sorry for them. She knew that they did it just to get Norbet to Charlie's friends, but the only thing she could thought of, was that she came with that idea and that, consequently, it was her fault they lost points. 'No!' she told herself 'Otherwise Hagrid would have been charged with keeping illegal dragons, and that wasn't good either'.

Either way, she felt very guilty about it, as it wasn't just Harry that the students were hostile towards, but so they were to Hermione and Neville, the other two accomplices. Hermione no longer wanted to attract attention with what she'd once read in a book, and didn't raise her hand in classes that much either. Hope wanted to talk with her, but Hermione kept reassuring her that she was fine and avoided her a lot.

In the weeks that followed, Fred and George were the ones that mostly kept her company. Right now, at breakfast, they kept talking about their favorite teacher, Snape.

"Really now, he's a really slimy git, isn't he? He always hated Gryffindor most of all, but now he's just overdoing it."

"That's his middle-name, Fred. Beside, he doesn't need to do anything now to get us to lose points, Harry helped him good."

"Oh, common boys, you lose points all the time-"

"Never lost 150 though."

"Not very far either," remarked Hope with a teasing grin.

"Fair point," responded Fred with one of his own.

"Honestly Fred, don't distract her so much, she needs to concentrate."

"You need too, you know?"

They were also helping her with the upcoming exams, which wasn't saying much, as they're distracting her with every thought that passed them. They also weren't doing a very good job at helping themselves about their upcoming exams, as the only thing they did, was to complain about Snape's greasy hair and that if they're forced to attend one more History of Magic class, they would die and turn into a ghost themselves.

"Aye, aye."


Before exams though, there were their birthdays. Fred and George's birthday was on 1st April -not surprisingly-, so, on this day, she and the twins played as much pranks as they could fit 24 hours. Teachers, students, ghosts, it didn't matter at all. Their parents also sent them each, their gifts, and were also excused from a detention from Professor McGonagall. She also got each them a pair of Omnioculars, as she saw how much they liked her pair and made a lot of cookies again. She wasn't very good at cooking anything else but that, and she had to be thankful only to Mrs. Weasley, for teaching her.

naughty and nice // weasley twins • harry potterWhere stories live. Discover now