SECOND YEAR: the burrow

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No matter how much time she spent away, Hope couldn't forget how her home looked like or how nice it felt to finally be home with her parents again. As soon as she told her farewells to her friends, her mother and father smothered her with hugs until she couldn't breathe. But so did she. She hugged them tight, and after arriving home, she hugged her grandfather too. Her grandfather had always been one of her best friends, so it was understandable she missed him dearly. She was also quite upset at having missed his 69th birthday too.

"Ce mai face micuța mea Bianca? Cum a fost primul tău an la Hogwarts? (How is my little Bianca doing? How was your first year at Hogwarts like?)" he asked her, as soon as she let go of him. That was also one of the reasons she liked him very much: he teached her his mother tongue, romanian. She liked learning new stuff and this was one of the things she learned when she was still very young.

She grimaced a little at the use of her middle name, but responded nonetheless "A fost bine. M-am distrat foarte tare. M-am împrietenit cu o fată din casa mea și cu o fată din Gryffindor! A fost foarte interesant și pentru că Gryffindor a câștigat cupa casei în sfârșit după toți acești ani! (It was very good. I had a lot of fun. I made friends with a girl in my house and one in Gryffindor! It was very interesting because, after all these years, Gryffindor finally won the house cup!)" she started rambling.

Her grandfather just laughed and pointed that she didn't seem to upset that her house didn't won. But Hope couldn't be sad when she saw how happy her friends were at winning.

After her return, she and her family spent a much needed time together by either just sitting together and talking about what happened while they were away from each other or by playing games, like Gobstones or Exploding Snap.

She also kept in touch with Susan and Hermione through her newly-gifted owl, Taffy, whom Fred and George nicknamed Doctor Hoo and Little Hoot.

In the summer, like always, she also came to the Burrow. It was kind of a tradition nowadays, to at least come to dinner a dozen times per summer. They played Quidditch together —she was the referee like usual— or just going into the village to prank the residents, they did almost everything together. She also slept at their house too, but, like usual, in Ginny's room. But even that didn't stop the twins from getting her into trouble, the night included. She went with them to raid the kitchen, and after that, in their room to eat what they stole and just talking to each other and telling jokes.

This summer though, the twins seemed very preoccupied with their inventions. Hope knew very well that Fred and George didn't have any motivation in entering the Ministry, but opening their joke shop —like Zonko's—, with their own inventions. So, a lot of these nights were also spent with Hope trying them, and, before sunrise, sneaking back into Ginny's room. They also stayed over at her house too, but mostly at theirs, as she thought the Burrow to be more exciting than her house.

Before summer ended, Mrs. Weasley also invited her to spend the last weeks together and to go with them to buy her second year books too. She was very happy at the proposal and so were her parents —after all they were old schoolmates-, despite seemingly quite sad too. But, she thought, it was probably that they would just be missing her, as she would go in her second year.

After kissing her goodbye, and doing a lot of hugging, she departed towards the Burrow. It wasn't very far from where she lived, so it didn't take long to arrive there.

After she knocked, the door opened slowly, with a curious Ginny peering from behind.

"Hope! I didn't knew you would come! Come in, come in!" urged her Ginny.

As Hope smiled and followed her inside, she saw that Arthur Weasley just came home as well.

"Hope! How nice of you to join us! Fred and George are in their room if you wanna know."

naughty and nice // weasley twins • harry potterWhere stories live. Discover now