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Jessica pushes me into the wall and her friends laugh around her. I wince in pain as the Sparks of pain fly down my spine. "If I see you around Justin again, I'll kill you" Jessica flips her hair over her shoulder and walks away. I touch the black and blue bruise on my leg and tears stung the back of my eyes. I stand up and pick up all of my books sticking them in my book bag as the end of the day bell rang.
"Mom, I'm home!" I Scream as I walk into the house. "hey sweetie, how was school?" Mother asks as she dances around the kitchen trying to cook dinner. Her dark brown eyes land on mine when I walk in the kitchen. Her light brown curls fall on her shoulders. "It was okay" I tried not to stutter. I walk upstairs to my room and close the door. I lift up my sleeve and stare at the red scars I have tried so hard to hide. "3 months" I smile as a tear fall from my eye. "3 months clean" I run a finger down my arm.
The door slams open as my sisters eyes land on my scars. tears fill her eyes as she starts to run down stairs. "Lysnadra!" I scream running after her. I stop in front of my mom who grabs my arm but I yank it back "Stop" I frown "I haven't done it in three moths". My moms cheeks are wet and her eyes are red. I hear somebody cry. and I think it's me.

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