Part 17

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Hi guys thank you so much for being so supportive on the name changing thing, I couldn't have asked for better readers. So Alsaba's name will be changed to Aaliya and Nupur's to Aanya.

From this part onwards you'll see the change in name!

I might be repudiating the previous chapters to make the name changes but the rest will remain the same so if you don't have to re-read it, it's just mostly for my future readers.

Enjoy the part.


My eyes and head feels so heavy as if I'm buried under some stone.

I blink my eyes slowly, trying to clear my view. I suddenly feel a palm slip under mine, large and warm.

"Who is it?"I say blinking, still trying to clear my vision. I feel the hand's grip loosen around mine.

I can see a faint figure of someone.

"Darshan?" I ask, and his grip tightens again.

After blinking a few times, I can see him clearly. His hair is wet and he's staring at me with concern and relief.

I try to smile at him but I realise he's not wearing a shirt. I feel my checks heat up all the way to my neck as my eyes widen. Can he just wear some clothes, sometimes?

He gets up in a jerk and opens the door disappearing god knows where. And he's back within a minute or so with a try which has a bowl, a spoon and a glass.

He places it on the side table next to me and helps me sit.

My whole body hurts. Ah! I wince a little as I feel a little dizzy making me grip tighten around his hand.

"Dard ho r ha hai? Kahan dard ho r ha hai?" he asks softly pushing my hair and tucking it behind my ear.

"Nahi I'm fine, just a little dizzy!"I tell him

"Han vo toh hoga hi na!" he said mockingly

"Kal kuch kaha ya bhi tha?" he asked with a sudden anger in his voice. All I manage to do is nod slowly.

"Anyway, chalo apna mo kholo!" he said bringing the try in front of me. And obeyed him like a good girl. He slowly fed me all the soup and kept the bowl aside.

He handed me the glass of water which looked a little cloudy. Yeh kya hai?

"Glucose water hai"He answered my doubts. "It'll make you feel better!" he added and I nodded sipping it slowly as he moved to the cupboard fetching a t-shirt for himself.

Wait what 'it'll make me feel better?' And all the incidents of last night struck me.

"Kal raat kya hua tha?"I asked him in a low voice, I didn't think he heard me as he continues to look for something to wear.

Was I dreaming about people breaking in the house and trying to hurt me or steal or whatever it is they were trying to do.

Where did they go? I was behind the sofa chair, how did I end up in the bed? Yesterday night is such a blur for me.

"Darshan?" I call him out again, a little louder this time.

"Hmm?" He hums slipping in a back t-shirt.

"Kal raat kya hua tha?"I ask him and he visibly stiffens.

"Tell me!" I demand, I feel anger boiling in me, he never tells me anything.

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