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Before you read this book, please read these disclaimers.

- This is a fan-fiction and doesn't represent BTS in any way shape or form. Their ages, interests, and actions are fully my ideas.

-Please be aware that this is a ABO book. There may be mentions of mature subjects like smut, or male pregnancy of some sort. If you're uncomfortable with any of these topics, read with caution. I'll be putting a disclaimer at the beginning of a chapter if there are mentions of these topics.

-Please don't comment hate or spam. Please be respectful. If you find any of the topics triggering, just exit the book and delete it from your library. It's less energy than pointlessly commenting hateful comments towards me or any readers. I won't tolerate any bullying and will give you two strikes. If you comment anything hateful the first time, it will be deleted. If you do it the second time, I will have no choice but to block you and report your account. This is meant to be a respectful community and I won't allow anybody to get pissy in the comments.

-I have mentioned this before, but please don't PM me, asking for updates. I don't mind if you comment, asking on my books but it feels like you're crossing some sort of boundary if you personally message me. I don't mind is you message to ask questions or wish to talk. I love you all so much and would love to talk to you. I have my own life outside of Wattpad like school and family. If I am gone for long periods of time, I will usually put something on my message board explaining my absence.

If you're wondering what happened to the previous version, it was taken down because I realized I didn't like how I took it and it was starting to get really similar to another author. I'll admit, I was inspired by The Elite School Of Omega's but over time, it got too similar and it was really disrespectful to the amazing author who wrote it. When this is published, I will send her a message personally apologizing in case she heard about my book and got offended that I plagiarized her hard work and credit. (Just a note, I don't like plagiarism, as an author I really care about my books and would be offended if someone took my ideas and passed it off as their own. Which is why I feel so bad for Silkbutterfly, the author of TESOO, and why I will be sending her an apology)



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