Chapter 2: Marielle Lennox

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I need to stop staring at my phone waiting for a text message, I can't do that to myself. I mean I've just been freed from one prison I can't actively put myself in another. Though for him I'm sure it wouldn't feel like prison.

I can imagine soft kisses and caresses as we wake up together, late morning with no other plans for the day except spend it together. Gentle hands and quiet talks with a little bit of adventure and sexiness, everything I've been lacking for my entire life.

I thought I'd found it in Jerry, when he was the gentleman and the only one that cared. But really, I was waiting for a biker, tall and strong with demons that he fights off every day and a sweetness that calls to me. Hunter is different with contemplative eyes and tidy thoughts with the ability to charm and encourage. I had a half an hour conversation with him and I was suddenly inspired to go back to my degree.

He's gorgeous as well with deep brown eyes and short black hair, his bone structure is chiselled and decorated with the perfect amount of facial hair, even the slightly crooked nose is attractive and makes him look endearing and personable.

The cut on his already drool worthy body makes it all the more difficult to keep my tongue in my mouth when he's around. I mean there's literally nothing I don't like about him; he always smells like mint and woodsmoke and he texts me to check up on me and my daughter.

Still, I can't concentrate on him right now, no matter how much I'd like to.

Gemma clambers up onto the bed beside me and cuddles into my side. Today is one of my few days off as I'm still in school, I couldn't afford a house but I also couldn't stay in Peyton's house forever. So, she bought me a house. I'm not kidding, I came home one day and she handed me a key saying that I deserved a place to call my own.

I tried to pay her back with the money she stole from Jerry but she refused to take it, saying that it's what I need to get me through my last year at school. As per the usual, she was right. Food and living costs are still expensive, even without paying rent or mortgage, especially with a growing toddler who never seems to fit in the same piece of clothing twice.

Despite the circumstances of her birth, she is definitely the best thing to ever happen to me. She gave me strength when I was weak and gave me a purpose when I thought about not going on anymore.

I should've gotten her out of there before and when I say I regret it, it doesn't even begin to cover it.

Anyway, I can't linger too much on the past. Today is her first day at pre-school and the nerves aren't as bad as I thought they'd be. She deserves to take this next step and I'm proud to be her mother. I know Peyton is coming with us because she doesn't want to miss a thing of Gemma's growth and I wouldn't be surprised if Runner came with her because him and my daughter are best friends.

"Let's go ladies! We have school!" I hear Peyton downstairs and so does Gemma.

"Auntie Pay!" She manages to get herself off the bed without assistance but I'm quick to follow her so she doesn't hurt herself on the stairs. I don't really care that I'm still in my pyjamas since it's only Peyton and Runner so I head into the kitchen where I know they are from the screams of my child.

When I reach them, I find Peyton boiling the kettle, Runner sat at the breakfast bar and Gemma in the arms of the one and only Hunter. Of course, he gets to see me in my pyjamas. If there is a God, he hates me.

I blush softly and hurry passed him to Peyton, she gives me a look of amusement as she passes me a coffee. "I goin' to school now!" Gemma declares with her arms around Hunter's neck.

"Hmm, are you sure? I don't think you're old enough." Hunter's voice is deep and soft like honey and I shiver in response. It's been awhile since I've heard it and yet I still react to it every time.

"I three years old."

"No! I could've sworn you only just turned two." He continues to tease and tickle her while I get ready for the day.

I normally would've just put on some sweats and put my manic hair into a bun but as Hunter is around, my brain just won't let me. I slip on some blue jeans and a white vest top that flares out just above the waist and shows a little bit of cleavage, I don't put much makeup on just some mascara, lip-gloss and highlighter before spritzing some perfume on and slicking my hair back into a messy ponytail.

I put some heeled booties on before heading back downstairs to get Gemma ready but on my way, I find Hunter in Gemma's room helping her pack her bag for school, having already got her dressed as well by the looks of things. "Are you ready to go, honey?" I ask, keeping my eyes on Gemma because if I look at him right now, I'm going to lose the small amount of self-restraint I have and launch myself at him, which I'm sure he would not appreciate.

"Hunter come?" Now I'm forced to look at him with the same question in my eyes, he nods and picks Gem up and sets her on his hip.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world, little one. Come on, auntie Pay and Runner are waiting for us." I follow them back downstairs and see Peyton and Runner wrestling on the drive, as per the usual Peyton is winning.

"Are you even trying?" Peyton mocks and tightens her grip around Runner, he's going a little bit purple but he looks very determined.

I'm really happy for her, when we first met, she was so deep in depression I thought that she wouldn't make it through the year. She made it through and then lived another two before she found the love of her life, she now bears his name, his tattoo, his patch and his ring - I've never seen her happier.

"Dude, you have a tight grip!" Runner squeals and continues to try and contort his way out of it. That is until he sees Gemma and whispers to Peyton, who releases him immediately. Grinning like a child with her hand caught in the cookie jar.

"Yay, school!" Peyton sweeps forward and takes Gem from Hunter and swings her around a bit while she laughs gleefully. "I'm proud of you, lovely. Are you excited?" Peyton talks to Gem as she puts her in the car seat, Runner has set up on his bike leaving Hunter and I to talk to each other.

"How are you?" He starts, clearing his throat and rubbing his foot on the ground.

Aww, he's cute when he's awkward.

"I'm doing well, what about you?"

"Yeah, I've had worse weeks." His soft chuckle has my heart racing and I take a deep breath trying to calm it down.

"Okay, little princess is all strapped up! Let's move out." Thank God for Peyton, I smile at Hunter before getting in the passenger seat of her car, watching as he puts his helmet on and mounts his bike. I forgot how hot he looks on that fucking bike because right now I want to be that bike. My eyes widen at my own thoughts, never had that happen to me before. "You good, Mari?"

I just hum in response, biting my bottom lip as I continue to stare at him.

God, he is gorgeous.

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