Chapter 6: Marielle Lennox

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Last night happened in a massive flurry. Marie - Peyton's mother - was brought back from the Fire Demons compound beaten half to death and crying. Doc and Peyton fixed her up and thankfully, there was no internal bleeding.

Hunter drove Gemma and I home, helping me inside by carrying Gem to her bed and tucking her in while I recuperated from the intensity of the few hours before. Today is a new day though and I am dropping Gem off at school while I head to my full day of lectures, which is great fun. I have two hours of labs today as well so I don't finish until just gone five. Hunter and Peyton are picking up Gem and I'll pick her up from the clubhouse later on, thank God I have friends like that.

It takes a little bit to get Gem ready today because she's being fussy from the long night, she had last night. She also keeps asking for Hunter, saying she wants him to come with us today so I keep having to tell her that he is very busy, she then throws a hissy fit and takes off whatever item of clothing I just put on her.

"Gemma Ann Lennox, come here and let me get you dressed for school." She screams again and I sigh, falling back on my butt and rubbing my face in frustration. I have to leave in half an hour and I'm still not ready and if she doesn't cooperate then I can't go anywhere today.

"Mari!" I hear from downstairs and I relax, Hunter is here to save the day once again.

"I'm in Gemma's room." Gemma is still throwing a hissy fit, her hands and feet flailing while she screams and cries. Hunter walks in and notices my exhaustion and her tantrum, he lifts me to my feet and kisses my forehead.

"Go and get ready, love. I'll get Gemma ready."

"Are you sure? I mean..." He gives me a look that tells me not to argue so I pass through the doorway but linger by the wall to hear what he's going to say.

"Gemma, come on darlin'. You've gotta get ready for school." His voice is soft and patient, he's calmer than I am and Gemma's screams quiet down to soft cries.

"I don't wanna."

"I know but your mama is really tired and she needs you to help her out today. Hmm? How about if you can help me get you ready, I'll take you out for ice cream after school?" I smile and hop across the hallway and when I'm enclosed in my room, I let out a dreamy sigh. Could he get any better?

I get dressed quickly with some jeans and a hoody, it's school so I really couldn't give a shit today. I pack my bag quickly, throw my hair into a messy bun before brushing my teeth and spritzing on some perfume. I'll put my converse on before I leave because I like gliding on the floors in my socks. I'm still a child at heart, sue me.

When I get downstairs, Hunter and Gemma are in the kitchen. Gemma is sat at the breakfast bar while Hunter stands opposite her, leaning on the island as she chatters away about what dreams she had last night. "I sowwy, mama." My heart aches at the look on her face so I walk over to her and cover her plump little cheeks with kisses.

"I know, honey. I forgive you." I place my hand on Hunter's tattooed arm and squeeze it softly. "Thank you."

"No problem, I put your coffee into a take away cup since you have to leave in five." I take the thermos from him and kiss his cheek softly. "I best get back to the clubhouse for Church. I will see you later." He kisses both of our heads before heading out to his bike and I melt against the countertop.

Gemma munches on her fruit silently so I'm left to my thoughts about a certain biker that I know are going to cause me issues all fucking day. Do I care? No, no I don't. I think I'm going to enjoy it.

"Come on, let's get you to school." After I've dropped her off, I'm able to get to school with ten minutes to spare which is the rarest thing considering getting ready in the morning with a three-year-old is basically impossible. Unless you have a Hunter, of course.

I climb up the stairs and greet a few friends that I've made over the past weeks as I walk through the busy corridors. I slip into a seat to the far left, closest to the door and two rows back so I don't catch the eye of the teacher. I did the over eager student my first three years, I just want to get my degree so I can get a better job to provide for my daughter and I.

Unfortunately, the same guy sits next to me every fucking time. He's my age, annoyingly enough, and we're the oldest in here. For some reason, he's taken this as we're soulmates so literally follows me everywhere. I normally just walk into the girl's toilets and wait for him to fuck off. I can't escape him in lectures though because this is the only seat that can keep my anxiety from going off.

I can see all three exits, I can see people coming in and out so I know the relative amount of people in here, I can also reach all exits in ten seconds max and from there it's a two-minute walk to my car. Peyton taught me all of this a while ago, she said that it's just for my protection but I know it's also because I'm associated with the Riders so may be chosen as a target. It's worth it for the family I've gained so I don't care, I take these precautions because I can.

"Hello sweetheart." I cringe at the nickname, I only like it when it comes from a Texan wrapped in leather, who happens to be ex-military. Not specific to one person... obviously.

"Please don't call me that." I reply, hoping the professor will come in and shut this idiot up. I don't want to get in trouble for breaking his nose or knocking his teeth out but I've been put through enough at a man's hand and I'm not doing it anymore.

"Why not? You don't like it?"

"Obviously." I bite out, this absolute idiot seriously considers himself the shit. He wears boat shoes, khakis and a coloured polo neck. Not my type and I have made that very clear.

"Good morning, class!"

Oh, thank God.

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