Chapter 32: Marielle Lennox

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It's been a few weeks since the attack launched on that warehouse and the Fire Demons are getting incredibly testy. They've been in and out of the police station, attacked Matías and lost, then attempted to hide the fact that they had released convicts from the local prison.

We found out that they attacked a bus transferring them from the courthouse to permanent detention, we've spent the last few weeks rounding the criminals up and returning them to their rightful detention centre while also handling a lockdown.

The lockdown has reached full, as in no one is allowed in or out unless they're travelling in groups of four full trained soldiers. If any of the women want to leave, we have to take four men with us, we've agreed that this is what is best for our safety, so we don't argue. I'm quite happy settled in here behind the walls, protected by seasoned warriors. I'm obviously scared that someone is going to get hurt, I mean it is a war so it wouldn't be a surprise if someone did.

That's why we've also called in our honorary members meaning this house is full to the seams. The prospects seem to be fitting in okay, helping out with cleaning weapons and have been training everyday with Reign and Peyton.

Breaker has been used as a target since he is the hardest one to beat here (besides Saviour), Jules has also been conscripted into the cause by Bear. Everyone is being pulled in so many different directions, I've taken on the duty of paperwork with Lexie and since everyone is home all three of us Old Ladies have to cook three full meals a day and make sure the cupboards are stacked with snacks for hungry bikers.

It's stressful and I find myself salivating over a bottle of wine all the time but we're pushing through as a family. There are too many risks for us to be doing anything stupid right now.

Slasher is absolutely furious that we destroyed his property and burned his inventory - taking only what we needed. We've killed a few of theirs as well with three tied up downstairs waiting to be greeted by Peyton and Reign in a few hours.

We need as much information as we can get, and I really wish I could help more than I am but right now my task is to feed over thirty bikers with the help of Lexie and Peyton. We all stand and stare at the kitchen, exhausted and hoping that something would cook itself. We haven't even been able to have takeout because that requires opening the gate and risking an attack, this is how extreme it's got.

"I'll do the meat." Lexie sighs and heads to the fridge.

"I'll do the veg." I reply.

"I'll do the rice, pasta and bread then." Peyton agrees and we all get to work. It's become a mind-numbing task, cooking. I used to do it in my little two-bed with just Gem and I to cook for and it wasn't so bad but having to cut up half a grocery store is agonising. My hands end up aching at the end of it which is really frustrating.

This whole thing is frustrating. Lexie wasn't wrong when she said that most people couldn't handle this, that it is ride or die especially during times of war. I guess the Queen of the Riders knows what she's talking about.

"Do you need any help?" A soft voice echoes from the door and my eyes soften when they land on Leo, the fifteen-year-old prospect. He's still pretty tiny but he's been faring well with Peyton, she says that he can be pretty vicious despite his size and even managed to take down one of the other prospects.

"Are you sure, honey? You don't have to." I question, putting the knife down and resting my hands for a minute.

"It's okay, you're looking a little overwhelmed there..." He points at the redness of my hands and I chuckle softly. We all welcome him into the kitchen and actually get him to open up to us. "I only jacked the cars so I could sell them, the racing only happened when I was being chased by cops and rich assholes thought they could keep up with me in their shitty Benz."

"You were pushing 110 in a 50." Peyton chuckles and ruffles his hair as she settles at the kitchen island opposite us with tea in her hands. She has to wait for her foods to be finished for now, the lucky bitch, but we know she has to take it easy.

"They don't need to know that, that is confidential." He playfully points the knife at her which makes her laugh. I can definitely see the connection between them as she teases him, and I can tell he trusts her.

"Of course, sir." She salutes and kidnaps a few vegetables from us to cut them up quickly so that we can get this food out as soon as possible. We've realised if we leave over six hours between meals, fights break out because they're hungry and we're pushing that line now.

My eyes nervously flick over to the clock as I hear a smash and an uproar. "Uh oh." Peyton looks amused at the fact that her brothers keep finding small things to lash out at each other for, keeping so many alpha males in one place with no room to breathe is bound to combust.

I have a feeling as soon as this is over, they're gonna throw a street party so big it vibrates houses across town. I rub my hands on my face once I've finished the vegetables and wash my hands before helping get all the food on the platters, laying them on the dining room table and resting against the wall after.

"It'll be over soon." Lexie consoles as she drops off the last plate, "At least the next meal is breakfast and we get to sleep first." Peyton grabs the guys as we settle at the table with soft smiles and sore bodies. Everyone is wired but thankfully there aren't any arguments as they devour the food, happily chatting and everything.

A large explosion jolts the entire compound and leaves my head ringing.

Fucking hell.

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