Chapter 8: Marielle Lennox

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The girls were no help, I tell them I'm basically falling in love with Hunter and Peyton hands Lexie cash. They were betting on how long I'd take to admit it and Lexie won on three months, Peyton bet on four and she was not happy. "You couldn't hold out for one more month? Are you kidding me?" She shouted and rested back on the couch, now I come to think about it she has been very tired lately, I guess it's all the stress with the Fire Demons coming down on her.

My first two classes of the day pass relatively quickly and I'm able to escape the confines of the lecture hall and into the fresh air. I check through some social media and have a quick look at the news before walking across campus for labs, they don't start for another half hour but I'm hoping to talk to the professor first because I am confused as fuck.

I head into the offices and go to greet the receptionist but find that she's not there. Paige has worked here for the last two years to fund the degree she's working towards; I think she said it was a business degree. She's really funny and really sweet, pretty too with long blonde hair and pale blue eyes. She's taller than me - which isn't hard - and her fashion sense is impeccable. We always have a good chat before my classes, maybe she's ill.

I knock on the door to his office and call out, I only hear some shuffling so I assume it's okay to go in. Did not expect my professor to be dick deep in my friend but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. She always did talk about having a thing for older and intelligent guys. Professor Malherbe definitely fits that description. He's thirty-five with dark brown hair and sharp bone structure, I assumed that under the suit he had some muscle and he definitely does.

"Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt, just wanted to talk about some labs. Should I wait or come back later?" My shit-eating grin just amuses Paige, who forces him to pull out and sorts out her clothes.

"Did you make an appointment?" She asks, her smile is still in place and her makeup is a little smudged.

"Nah, didn't realise I'd walk into a live porno."

"Sorry about that, Marielle. We thought we'd locked the door." The professor speaks up, he refuses to look me in the eye and his expensive brogues brush the floor as he shuffles backwards. This is too funny.

"Everyone needs a little exercise." I joke and Paige punches me, I punch her back immediately. She looks surprised so I pull a face to mock her. "Now, do you have a little time before the lab to explain to me what the fuck I'm doing?" He chuckles and invites me over; he gestures for me to take a seat but I give him a look. "Have you guys fucked on this?"

He goes bright pink and makes a weird squawk noise that entertains me immensely. "No, sit the heck down." Paige grabs me by the shoulders and forces me into the seat, I don't wanna know where those hands were before.

He spends the next twenty minutes explaining the practical and my brain almost explodes, legitimately these things get harder and harder every time. I'm just gonna have to wing it and hope for the best.

I hop into the practical and slip on my lab coat and grab my goggles. I scatter out the chemicals in a way that looks like chaos but is actually pretty organised. This is gonna be fun.


So, I got a C minus on that.

Asshole. I literally just saw his dick and he gave me a C, rude. At least I passed, after the night I had and the mess that was this morning, I'm actually pretty proud of that. I pull my phone out and it's only just gone three so I have ten minutes to get to my last lecture of the day. It should last about an hour and a half but hopefully the teacher will let us go early because I really cannot be bothered.

I look through my texts and find one from Hunter, my heart leaps at the glowing letters of his name and I click onto the stream. 'Picked Gem up, grabbing ice cream and then she wants to play with the bunnies at the adoption centre down the road. Call when you're out and we'll come meet you.'

How can you not fall in love with someone who cares so much about you and your child?

I type back quickly before skipping into my next lecture, taking the seat in a similar place to last time. The same guy from before sits next to me again and I shuffle as far away as possible. What part of personal space does this dickhead not understand?

He continues bugging me throughout the entire lecture so I missed out on important notes so when we're finally released, I hurry out hoping to avoid the standard 'will you go out with me?' shit that I absolutely despise.

Unfortunately, Boat Shoes - I don't actually know his name, so that's what I call him - follows me out and keeps chatting in my ear and I'm getting ready to punch him when Gemma flies into me. Her arms wrap around my waist and I look at her in surprise. I look up in search for Hunter, knowing he's the one that brought her and I melt on the spot when I find him.

He's leaning against a truck, looking mighty fine in sunglasses and that cut. He has a soft smile that's aimed at me and damn does it get my heart fired up. "So, that date?" Boat Shoes asks me and I remember that he's there.

"Uh..." I try to think of a nice way to shut him down but come up with nothing, thankfully Hunter saves me again.

"Yeah, she's busy." He states, looking unimpressed by him and his efforts.

"I didn't even say a day." Boat Shoes fires back so Hunter steps up, their chests almost touching.

"You didn't need to. If you'll excuse us." Hunter taps his forehead as if he was tapping the edge of a hat before swinging Gem into his arms and resting her on his hip. His arm finds its way around my waist and he helps me to the car. "Do you wanna go in mama's car or with me, princess?"

"Mama!" She claps and allows Hunter to strap her into the seat without wriggling like she usually does. Once the door is shut, he presses me against the car with a gentle hand on my stomach.

"Was he bothering you?" His voice is low and laced with a threat. I know if I say yes right now that Hunter will beat the crap out of Boat Shoes, I'm willing to sacrifice him if it means I get to see this gorgeous man in action. Still, I concede and gently rub Hunter's forearm.

"It doesn't matter, you fixed it. What are we doing now?" I smile up at him and he rolls his eyes.

"Subtle way of changing the subject, darlin'." I thank him sarcastically before he carries on, "Gem wants to watch movies at home, I don't know whether I'm invited though."

"I'm sure she won't mind."

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