Chapter 4: Marielle Lennox

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He's so soft spoken and warm, comforting is just what I need and it feels like he knows that. The gentle touch on my face has me closing my eyes and leaning into it, his hands are calloused from years of riding but they touch me so softly that I wouldn't think he had done anything remotely violent in his life.

"Is Jerry still in jail?" I'm finally able to force out after having been sat in silence for a few minutes, Hunter's grip on his mug tightens as he thinks about it. It scares me, if he's angry then surely Jerry isn't in jail. Oh god, what if he comes after me and Gemma?

I make a move to get up with my chest heaving in a panic. Peyton promised me that I would be safe and that Jerry is gone, why would she lie to me? "Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm sorry for scaring you, sweetheart." The endearment is sweet in his Texan accent and I find myself drawn to his voice, normally I would've plunged into a full-on panic attack but his voice is comforting. "He's in jail, I just get angry when I think about what he did to you and Gem. He's not coming anywhere near you again." His promise is strong and I relish in it, I notice that his hand has found its way around mine and it's gripping tightly, his thumb brushes the inside of my wrist and I find myself melting against him.

He'd never let anyone hurt me.

He coos me softly, bringing his free arm to wrap around me and rub the back of my head as I sniffle. I snuggle into his embrace, enjoying the safety and warmth he emits. I could literally stay here forever but I pull away before uttering a soft thank you. I tug him off of the uncomfortable island seat and he follows me into the lounge, his coffee abandoned in the kitchen.

He huffs out a breath as he sits on the couch and I take the seat next to him. It's just a basic IKEA couch that Peyton helped me choose but it certainly looks a lot better with a hot biker on it. Imagine if that was in the catalogue, I'm sure more people would buy it. We sit far enough away that we're not touching, his warmth still reaches me though and it helps me relax which is something I rarely get to do.

I barely watch what I put on the TV as my eyes keep going fuzzy. I hardly slept last night because I kept dreaming that Jerry would come and kill me, taking my daughter from her bedroom while I was dead on the kitchen floor. Let's just say that does not encourage a good night's sleep. Maybe I could have a little nap before I go and pick Gem up from school.

I lay down with my head on the arm of the couch, curled up in a little ball because it's comfy and just as I drift off, I feel a soft blanket on top of me and a gentle kiss on the side of my head.

What a sweetheart.


"Mari, love, you gotta get up or Gem's gonna wonder where her mama is." I come around to Hunter brushing my hair back from my face as he crouches in front of me.

"I'm awake." I sit up and let the blanket fall off of me, stretching soon after and sighing deeply when my back and neck crack. That was a good nap, you know the ones where you feel so good after them. Though it could be the fact I woke up to a gorgeous biker that's put me in a good mood, either way I'm happy.

I stop in front of the mirror and tidy up my appearance a little before heading out to my hybrid that Peyton got for cheap and fixed up herself a year or so ago. She had it in her garage because she hates it and basically demanded that I take it off her hands. I secure the car seat in the back and start the car.

I know Hunter is coming with me from the way he mounts his bike and nods to me to let me go first. Thankfully the traffic isn't as bad as usual because if it was, I would've been quite late and Gem would not appreciate that. Nor would the teachers there.

Speaking of teachers, I grumble internally, as the receptionist from this morning greets us with her perky boobs and sultry grin aimed at Hunter. I grit my teeth hard enough to break my jaw before smiling happily so I don't punch her in the face. "We're here for Gemma Lennox, please." I look over at Hunter who has his back leant against the desk, with his sunglasses on and soft smile on his lips.

He looks like a freaking model and every woman is here staring at him. I feel him lean over and his lips brush my ear as he whispers to me, "Look at Gem." He grips my elbow and turns me slightly where we can see the kids through a little window. I tear up at how happy she is, she's got paint on her clothes and she's running after another little girl with her favourite doll in tow. I never thought I'd see her this happy again. At seeing my tears, he lays another kiss on my hairline before watching me sign Gem out, still completely ignoring the receptionist that is trying really hard for his attention.

Gemma comes sprinting out and launches herself at me, I only just catch her absolutely swept away by her toothy grin. I stroke her hair behind her ear and listen to her babble on about her day, she talks to quickly that she gets out of breath but she continues to talk anyway. Hunter asks her questions and interacts with her in a way I never saw Jerry do, melting my heart and increasing my libido.

I really need to chill out, I swear.

I can't jump him outside a nursery. I repeat in my head over and over again until the heat cools down again. I was with Jerry for so long that I never really experienced anything that I have felt in the last few months. I never missed him enough to think about him all the time. I was never so attracted to him that I had dirty dreams day and night about what he could do to me. And I certainly never thought about jumping him in a public place.

To be honest, I'm happy I'm experiencing these things with Hunter. Even if it doesn't end well, I know he was worth the pain. Still, I'm willing to bet that we'd be good together, if only I had the guts to tell him. I need to talk to Lexie and Peyton. "Can we go to the clubhouse?" I ask Hunter who looks surprised at the question.

"Sure, lead the way."

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