Chapter 16: Marielle Lennox

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I startle myself awake and still up in the bed that I've found myself in. I squint at my surroundings, still not a clue where I am until I turn to my left and croon softly. Hunter is led on his side with Gem pressed into his chest, face first. Her hands are gripping his shirt and his arms are wrapped around her tightly but not enough to hurt her.

I take a picture and immediately make it my home screen, loving the way that he interacts with her. I'm hoping one day he'll be her father; he's already acting like it, so I just hope to make that official one day.

I slip out of the bed and notice that the dress I was wearing last night is hung up on the back of the door and I'm wearing one of Hunter's shirts and a pair of either Lexie's or Peyton's shorts. I freshen up in the bathroom quickly before heading downstairs to the kitchen, knowing Lexie and Peyton will start cooking around now.

It's eleven am and the guys normally wake up around now so I might as well help the girls make everyone breakfast. When I get into the kitchen, I find Peyton sat on one of the kitchen stools sobbing while Lexie comforts her. I head over and rest a hand on her back, waiting to be told what's going on.

"Hey." I brush away a few of her tears and she grips my wrists.

"I'm pregnant." She tells me and I stare at her completely surprised.

"I thought they sterilised you."

"Me too! They didn't though, at least not properly."

"So why are you so upset? You've always wanted children."

"It's really high risk, this baby might not even make it to the end of the month. I might end up killing my baby, Mari, I can't. I can't do that to Roman." She cries harder and I bring her into a tight hug. "I love this baby, guys. I'm so scared I'm going to lose them." She presses her hand to her stomach; her tears are still flowing but I can see the happiness in her eyes.

"How far along are you?" Lex asks, her hand resting on Peyton's.

"Three months, Doc says I have to be careful. Apparently, the procedure those bastards did to me didn't sterilise me, it just made it very difficult for me to carry a baby to term. Doc was surprised an egg was even able to latch on to anything, they destroyed me. Now I'm doped up on all types of drugs, I'm not allowed to train or fight, and Reign is asking Bear right now to put me on desk with Romeo."

"Six months, we can do this. I'll look up all the recipes that'll help, you and Runner can still train but use Reign again or something." Lexie comforts and I kiss Peyton's head softly.

"Reign can't fight Runner anymore, Runner wants to drop Breaker by the end of the year." We all laugh softly; he has big dreams that one. "I'm sorry, I'm okay. Just need to go careful that's all, other than the health risks we're both really happy."

"Did he cry?" I ask as I start chopping up fruit.

"Yeah." Her face is relaxed into a smile now, her tears cleared up, but her eyes are still a little red and puffy. She gets up and starts frying the bacon while Lex cooks the sausages. At the smell of food, the men start piling in, most of them hungover and tired. They all take their seats while we finish off the food.

Pancakes, toast and eggs are made last and we make enough food to feed an army. Well this thirty-man army. We put the platter in the middle of the table before taking our seats next to our men. Hunter has Gem on his lap and she's happily chatting away about school and all the friends she's made. Lexie is sat on Bear as she declared that her seat was too cold to sit on and Bear doesn't seem to mind. Why would he?

Reign looks unbelievably content and relaxed as he eats, Peyton has cheered up and is eating slowly. Runner - ever the detective - stares at them in confusion. "What's with you?" He points his fork at Peyton, who looks surprised at the demand.

"What's with you?" She retorts, her eyebrow rises as she dares him to respond.

"I suppose now is as good a time as any, baby." Peyton looks up at Reign in surprise, I grin and grab onto Hunter's forearm, he looks surprised at my movement but responds by kissing my forehead. "We went to the doctors this morning; the reason Saviour hasn't been well recently is because she's pregnant."

The table lights up with grins and cheers, congratulations are thrown, and everyone stands up to give hugs and kisses. "Looks like we have another baby to add to the ranks." Bear declares and winks at me, warming my heart at the fact he considers Gem and I part of the family. "You're on desk for the next six months though, Sav."

"Aye Prez."

"How are you feeling?" Hunter asks me once the excitement has died down. "I know that you don't feel safe and I want to help you, I-"

"I'm safe, Hunter. I know that everyone in this room would protect Gem and I without hesitation. I trust you." He strokes his hand through my hair before Gem demands his attention back by yanking his shirt.

"What's up, princess?" He asks her as she stares up at him with adoration in her big eyes.

"Ice cream?" She asks and I laugh softly.

"We'll get some later, let's get dressed for today." I lift her from Hunter's lap and head up to his room while he helps the guys clean up. That's the deal here, the women make the food, but the men clean it up.

Once I've got her clothes on, I sit her on the edge of the bed and put her shoes on. "I call Hunter daddy?" I almost choke on air at her question, I look up at her with big eyes as she smiles.

"Should we go and ask him?" She nods avidly and stands up to bounce on the bed. "Okay, let me get dressed first, okay?" I give her my phone to let her watch cartoons, while I change into the clothes I stole from Lexie.

A light-yellow skirt and a loose jumper that cuts off at the waistband of the skirt. I just put some Vans on and spray some of Hunter's cologne because I like it and I didn't bring my own. I pick Gem up and shakily head downstairs to find Hunter.

I want him to say yes but only if he wants to say yes.

You see my conundrum?

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