Chapter 10: Marielle Lennox

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It's a simple wake up call to find your toddler basically strangling you as you're struggling to breathe. When it comes an hour early though you are not amused. I roll my eyes at my luck and roll Gemma off of me, resting her back on the bed as she snores loudly.

I really hope Hunter gets here before she wakes up because I can't handle the breakdown I experienced yesterday. She'll be a hell of a lot worse if Hunter breaks his promise, that meltdown would rival Chernobyl in explosions and I am not mentally, physically or even spiritually equipped for that.

I make my way downstairs ready to inhale a whole pot of coffee whilst boiling hot, considering I almost burn myself with it. Thing is I haven't been awake to put the coffee on, so why is it hot?

I squint my eyes in thought as I stare at my hot mug of coffee and decide whether or not I sleepwalked last night and decided I needed coffee at fucking three am. This is what happens when I wake up at five am, I can't put sentences together even in my head.

"You found the coffee then?" I screech and almost spill the coffee on me in fright. Jesus.

I spin around and fix Hunter with a glare. He's quite happy leaning on the island with a massive smile on his face with his hands wrapped around his own cup of coffee. Oh, the smug bastard.

"You scared me."

"Sorry, I came in like twenty minutes ago and I needed coffee. Your key is really easy to find by the way."

"I'll have to move that, why are you here so early?"

"Uh, I was hanging out with the guys and I was drinking... heavily." He grins again and pours coffee down his throat like it's water. "So, I'm trying to sober up fully before Gem wakes up, I'm almost there. This is my seventh cup of coffee though so that's fun."

"Are you tipsy?" I approach him with curiosity. I can't really imagine Hunter as a heavy drinker, he seems too reserved and relaxed to find it entertaining but I suppose all bikers love a good party.

"Nah, buzzed. I was absolutely plastered though so I would not check your voicemail until I've deleted them." He reaches for my phone but I yank it back and bury it in my pocket. In my attempt to escape, Hunter reached forward and gently took my wrist in his hand. The playful aura has dissipated and my heart rate speeds up as he looks at me, really looks at me. "You look very cute in your pyjamas."

He brings me closer and presses me against the island. I can feel every part of him against me, his warm skin brushes on mine and his nose rests against mine. "I really want to kiss you." He mumbles almost absentmindedly as he strokes the back of his hand down my face reverently. He goes to pull away but I grab him by the back of the neck.

I've been waiting too damn long for this.

His lips encompass mine and they're sweet and taste of tequila. He's warm and smells of mint, his hands are soft and squeezing my waist hard as I lean up to taste him more. This is a dream; this has to be a dream. His arms band around my waist as he lifts me onto the island, parting my legs to stand between them. His erection presses into my core and I shiver, opening my mouth to let his tongue mingle with mine.

The only other person I've kissed is Jerry and it wasn't fun. So much saliva and teeth bashing but Hunter is velvety chocolate and the haze of alcohol all in one and damn is it addicting. He nips my lips and tongue playfully so my retaliation is to bury my hands in his hair as I suck his bottom lip into my mouth.

I feel like I could do this forever. Breathing is important though and I'm forced to pull away as my chest tightens in need of air.

We don't speak, just stay in each other's embrace as we regain our breath. He twirls one of my curls around his finger with a soft smile on his face. He looks happy with glowing eyes and relaxed posture. I wrap my arms round his neck and bury my face in the crook of his neck, he does the same to me and his breath behind my ear just gets me all wound up again.

"Mama!" I hear Gem get started on the stairs so gesture for Hunter to let me down so that she doesn't hurt herself or anything. Thankfully she makes it down the stairs safely and when she finds Hunter in the kitchen she screams excitedly and runs to him. He swings her into his arms with a grin, tickling her softly and kissing her forehead.

"Good morning, princess."

"Mo'ning!" She requests fairy bread for breakfast so as Hunter sits her down and brushes her hair back, I make her some food to eat. Hunter then grabs her some milk without even being asked before passing me the orange juice. I don't know how he knew that I wanted that but still, I'm impressed by his domesticity.

How can anyone not find that attractive?

He looks large in my kitchen, a broad shouldered, muscle clad man who touches me so gently and treats my child like his own. He even rides a Harley; how can he get any better? "Do you need me to pick Gem up today, love?" I'm startled out of my dirty thoughts and I look up at him with confusion, he asks the question again and I smile.

"I finish in time but if you wanted to come with then I'd like that."

"I can be there at half two, I've got a meeting with Cap later but I should be finished in time to do something. What do you wanna do, princess?" He strokes her head softly, as she looks up at him with adoration in her eyes.

Jerry was never like this with her, he was never gentle nor did he let her decide what she wanted to do, eat or say. He's showing her how a child should really be loved by a father and I love him for it.

"Zoo!" Gem has never been to the zoo before, I mean we lived on food stamps in a place where people got stabbed on our driveway. We never had the money to take her to the zoo but she asked to go every weekend and it broke my heart every time to say no.

"You okay with that, sweetheart?" This question is pointed at me and I melt... again.

"I would love to."

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