Meteor Buddies

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Deoxys: "Ah, you must be Eternatus, yes?"

Eternatus: "Y-yeah..."

Deoxys: "Don't be shy, I won't hurt you. My name is Deoxys. I am just like you."

Eternatus: "H-how?"

Deoxys: "We're both lucky that we didn't get eaten by Rayquaza when we landed on earth."

Eternatus: "Wai-it. Y-you also-o arrived t-to Earth by-y meteor?"

Deoxys: "Why yes. Much later than you than I hoped for, but yes."

*Rayquaza flies in in a rage*

Rayquaza: "I got you now!! Bi-
Oh, you're with little wimpy Eternatus... Oh well. I'll get you next time, f***er!"

*Rayquaza leaves imediatly*

Eternatus: "Wh-hat just happe-ened?"

Deoxys: "It seems that, thanks to you, I am spared from another sparring. Thank you for that."

Eternatus: "S-sparring? A-are you t-two Riva-als?..."

Deoxys: "A level higher that that sadly. It's tiring to be a mortal enemy to a angry Dragon-Type... But, trying to make peace with her will be impossible if the only thing she wants is my death..."

Eternatus: "Th-hat mus-st rea-ally suck..."

Deoxys: "It does. I can be friendly with everyone else. But, dear Rayquaza just doesn't want to listen... She's gonna get herself killed that way."

Eternatus: "Ma-ayb-be we ca-an hel-lp her bef-fore that-t happens?"

Deoxys: "That is unesessary. Rayquaza is more Bull-headed than a Toros gone rogue. Not even Arceus can help her at this point. And to think... She used to be more kinder too..."

Eternatus: "Wh-hat happe-ened th-hat caus-sed her-r to be-e this-s way?..."

Deoxys: "No one knows... I certainly don't..."

Eternatus: "O-oh..."

Deoxys: "We shouldn't dwell on it. How about a nice stroll around the planet?"

Eternatus: "T-that would be nice. Sure!"

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