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The entire conversation was so magical. I had more than I wish for.
Our magical dinner.

My life is complete.  No more pain.
The fresh pure smile I was getting,  his heavy deep voice,  his eyes,  and that unique nose.
It was incredibly beautiful.
I wasn't expecting anything. Not a single thing.  And then, out of nowhere he said,

Darshan: Disha Sen,  Can I have your number?



Disha: Huh?

Darshan: Your number.

Disha: My What?

Darshan: Hehehehehe... You are cute.  Just tell me your number.

Disha: Oh... Yeah yeah. *cough* one sec,  *cough*.

He gave his phone. I typed it down.


Darshan: Oh no.. Hey drink some water. You allright?

Disha : Yeah,  I am fine *cough*, I am Fine.

Darshan: Thank God.. And thank you,  I'll call you.

Disha : Huh?  You'll what?

Darshan: Disha.... Am I not audible?  Why you asking me twice everytime?😆

Disha: Oh,, I am sorry,  actually I was not expecting any of these so,.. Yeah.  Okay.. I will be waiting for your call.

Darshan: Sure.

Then we talked about lot of things. Songs he made, the story behind those, funny things, jokes.

Darshan: Hey, by the way, where is your partner?  The other girl, what's her name???

Disha: Oh.. Shayani??? 

Darshan: yeah, where is she? Dhruwal said she left.

Disha : yeah she left last night.

Darshan: Last night?

Disha : yes. She left a note and said that her manager called. It's an emergency.

Darshan: ow.. Is she an employee?

Disha : Yes.. Stupid girl. She made lots of things for you,  and see?  What happened?  She just left.

Darshan: She made? 

Disha: yeah.. She even bought a new camera just to shoot you and me. 😅Crazy girl right?

Darshan had a really serious face, he was thinking something.

Darshan: She left last night?  Alone?

Disha : Yeah,  Crazy girl. I am amazed by her guts.

Again Darshan lowered down his head and said,

Darshan: Disha.. If you ever heard that I made a mistake do you still like me? Will you forgive me?

Disha: Well... It's the matter of the situation.

Darshan: huh?

Disha : if you make that mistake unintentionally, then I will forgive you.
But if you intentionally made any mistake,  that is actually not a mistake, that is a sin. So yeah.. I'll be angry.

Darshan: *sigh* I got it.

Disha: You know what,  I know that you will never commit any sin. Because your pure heart will never let you do that.

Darshan smiled at me.
I can tell something was bothering him. But I couldn't ask.

Dhruwal: Darshan....!!!!  Time up... We have to go.

Darshan: yeah..!!! Sorry Disha. We have to leave now.

Disha: please.. Don't be sorry.

Darshan: Thank you. I really had a great time after a long time.

Disha : Me too Gabbu.,  I mean Darshan. Hahahah..

Darshan: I'll walk you to the door, from there Dhruwal will drop you to the hotel.

Darshan walked with me untill we reach the door.
He looked at me.

Disha: Oh... I almost forgot. Wait a sec.

I took out the card I made for darshan.

Here. This is for you.

Darshan: You made this for me?  Let me see it.

Disha: NOOO.. please don't open in front of me. Go to your room. Take some time and then open. I will feel shy.

Darshan looked at me. It was like he was in pain,  he wants to say it but for some reason he can't. He just looked at me for few minutes and then, 



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