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I was feeling very warm , cozy and comfortable ... But my head was spinning.

I eyes were still closed but the morning rays are knocking my eyes and trying to disturb my sleep.

Then I felt.....
It's not a pillow under me. It's....

I got a lil surprised..then I remembered...

I got up... Turned my head and saw her.


Her head is slightly placed on the side of the bed.
One leg is bended making a small triangle where I putted my head and another one is lying still straight.

She is still wearing the specs.

The morning sun rays are hitting on her face. It's so beautiful...
Is she dreaming? 

Her face was glowing..some strings of hair was on her face,  maybe they are trying to cover her eyes to create a shade so that the sunlight could not disturb her.

I was observing her. Every shades every inch of her face.

She looks so uncomfortable in this position.
How could she fell asleep like this?

Then I noticed the blanket on me.
she even cover me up.

Wow...she is something.

My eyes stuck on her sun-kissed face and observing her.

The I saw the scar on her thumb finger. It's still there... Mild scar... But it's still there...

Then I heard buzzing.
It's her phone.

I took the phone.its Aisha.

12 missed call from Aisha.

I called Aisha from my phone......

Aisha : You fricking crazy... Where WERE YOU??????

ME: I was sleeping. What happened?

Aisha : Ohh Great.... A big salute....

  Anyway... Did you take my CD.. That unofficial unpublished one?

Me: Ummmm.. Ohh.. Haa.. Yes.. I took that.

Aisha: Thank God... You wait. Let me return. I will kill you for not informing me about that.

Me: Sorry...

Aisha : But why are you whispering?

I didn't even realized that I was whispering. Well.. I don't want to wake her up..

Me: Ummmm.. No reason.. See. I'll call you back . bye .

I disconnected the call.

I know that Disha didn't even sleep properly. So I thought I should place her head on the floor . She was sitting up all night. At least....

If I try to carry her and put her to bed,  she'll wake.

So I hold her face with one hand gently and placed her head on a pillow, then I tried to fix her position so that she can sleep peacefully. But.....

She started moving.
She opened her eyes... Sun rays are disturbing her eyes for sure.. Then she saw me. Sitting up beside her.

Disha : Ou.. You are up? 

Me: Good morning.. :)

Disha : Yea.. Ahh.. Good morning.

Her voice was expressing tiredness.

Disha : You go freshen up.. I(yawn) ..sorry... I will make some tea...  What do you want, tea or coffee?

She can't even open her eyes...

Me: Don't worry.. I'll make it. You sleep a bit.

Disha : Are you mad or what... You must have terrible hungover.. You wait here....

Without even giving me any chance to tell anything  she went to the kitchen.

I splashed water on my face.. Got fresh and went to the kitchen. She was adding sugar into the cup..

She felt my presence and gave me the sweetest smile and said..

Disha : Here.. Your coffee ☺


I never felt like this but I really wanted to kiss her. Badly.

But... I controlled myself and said

Me: And you are drinking tea?

Disha : Yeah.. It's the best.

Me: Let's sit on the balcony.

We went to the balcony.

Me: Bengali people really love to drink tea na?

Disha : Not all Bengali people but yeah.. It has separate fan base.

I took a sip of my coffee.

She was glowing.. Like this morning. I never saw this side of her.

Disha;  Did you ever drank ginger milk tea in a mud cup?

Me: yeah.. Once I went a hillstation.. There..

Disha : I love that.

She was looking outside,  admiring the morning I guess.

Disha : I hate cities.

Me: Why??? 

Disha : I miss Green  ..thats why.

Me: Disha..... Why are you not mentioning about last night?

She looked at me,  finally.. Smiled.. And said...

Disha : Last time when I mentioned something like this,,  I hurt my thumb.. So not taking the risk.

Me: Hahaha.. Well.. I am sorry

Disha : About what?

Me: you.... I mean last night you... You... You know.. You... All-night... You...

Disha : Darshan.. It's OK... You are special to me.. It was nothing.. I can stay awake all-night like that for you.

Me: Special?  As in?

I know this is a very wrong timing and she is not going to answer..

She took more sips of her tea and said...

Disha : There are something which meant to be felt.

You are worth it Darshan. You are someone who worth anything I have.

The morning breeze was not only touching our body,  it was touching our soul too.

My darkest night turn into brightest morning.  Her inner glow brightening up my entire day


I  feel ' Home '.

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