"I Would Not Antagonize Her"

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MERRY CHRISTMAS Thank you so much for 1k!!!!!! I am holding a competition to celebrate!!!!!!!
It starts when I upload this chapter. The first thing thing you do is comment on this paragraph. Then tell what your personality is like, why you love the hobbit and pick an elvish name for yourself. Once you do that I will draw names. The winner gets their character put in the story with their own elvish name that they chose and their personality. This ends at December 28th so you guys have 3 days. You can enter as many times you would like. Winner is announced December 9th!! This happen all because of you guys! Enjoy the chapter!<3xx

As Tauriel ran down the stairs an elf was standing in her way, Amlaruil. " My lady." Tauriel said in a rushed tone, " it is a pleasure, but I must be going now." She got cut off when Amlaruil said, "of course, Legolas is there." Amlaruil looked wounded when she said that. Tauriel looked at her with disbelief and shock that she would admit that Legolas does not love her. But most of all, did she said that Legolas loved Tauriel? She was pulled out of gaze, "Legolas and I are high elves, don't think that any love he has for you is real." Tauriel holed steady breathes as she clenched her dagger tight. "Over time he will love me, but I need you aside. Do you understand me Captain of the Guard?" Tauriel did not answer, all she did was a light nod with her head as she ran passed Amlaruil and out the gate where the dwarves where trying to escape.

"Holo in ennyn!"(close the gate) she heard Legolas ordered. Then the sound of the elvish horn rang throughout Mirkwood, she saw the dwarves in barrels trying to escape but the gate was closed, they couldn't go anywhere. She fought through, killing as many orcs allowing her to move through so she could lead herself to where Kili was.
Legolas saw Tauriel fighting her way to the border. He ran to catch up with her when he heard their leader Blog shouting in blackspeech, "get the she-elf! Azog wants her alive!" Why does Azog need Tauriel. Legolas wondered as he ran next to Tauriel, stabbing and killing as many orcs they could get their hands on. Together, they were unstoppable.

Tauriel was fighting when she saw Kili trying to lift the lever so the dwarves could escape. But Blog shot him on the right leg, Kili stopped as well as Tauriel she stood there in shock looking at Kili as his eyes darkened. He lifted the lever and fell on the ground grunting in pain, he managed to get back in the barrel. My life's darker days are consuming the light ones. Tauriel said in her saddened mind.

The fight continued outside of the Kings borders, Tauriel and Legolas kept fighting, they shot all the orcs they could lay their eyes on as they climbed over the border wall. Legolas ran down fighting orcs, he jump and he landed on an orc using it to slide down the edge before he shot it. He continued to fight but at one point had to land on two of the dwarves heads. He balanced as well as he could, but at the same time he shot as many orcs as he could. He suddenly hopped on each dwarf's head to get to the other side, he fought two orcs as one came behind him, the Orc was about to strike before Thorin threw an axe in the middle of it's body.
Legolas finally shot the last Orc as it fell in to the rapid river. He starred at the dwarves as the went down the river. One orc was about to shoot Legolas at the back, while the arrow flew it collided with another arrow. Legolas looked stunned. Tauriel came in grunting, she kicked the the bow out of Orc's hands and put one dagger on his neck, and the other aiming at his heart. She saved me, Legolas thought as he grinned ever so slightly, then he shouted in elvish. "Tauriel wait!" She looked at him, he turn around to face her, " this one, we keep alive."

They ran back to the palace where they were going to question the filth.

""Such is the nature of evil. Out there in the vast ignorance of the world it festers and spreads. A shadow that grows in the dark. A sleepless malice as black as the oncoming wall of the night. So as it was... so will it always be. In time, all foul things come forth." Thranduil said as he circle the Orc while Legolas pulled the orc's hair with one hand, and with the other hand he placed a dagger right at his throat. "You were tracking a company of thirteen Dwarves. Why?" Legolas shouted with a disgusted look on his face. "Not thirteen." He said ,"Not anymore. The young one, the black haired archer, we stuck him with a Morgul shaft. Poison's in his blood. He'll be choking on it soon." As soon as Tauriel heard those words she tightened her fist as she boiled with anger and hatred inside. "Answer the question, filth." She said barley looking at him. The Orc shouted as he try to charge to her, "I do not answer to dogs, She-Elf!" In another language. Legolas held the filth back when a mid second later she pulled out her dagger ready to slice his throat. "I would not antagonize her." Legolas muttered as he looked down at the creature.

"You like killing things, Orc?" She looked at him as he smiled flaring his teeth "You like death? Then let me give it to you!" Tauriel was about to charge when Thranduil stopped her. "Far! Tauriel ego, va.ˈlan.nɔr!"(enought! Tauriel leave, go now.) Tauriel looked at the orc, it growled at her. She gracefully walk down the staircase with her heart racing.

"I do not care about one dead Dwarf. Answer the question. You have nothing to fear. Tell us what you know, and I will set you free." Thranduil said. Legolas was curious so he asked a question, "You had orders to kill them. Why? What is Thorin Oakenshield to you?" "The Dwarf runt will never be king." He growled. Legolas thought, this is a lie! He demanded, "King? There is no King Under the Mountain nor will there ever be. None would dare enter Erebor whilst the Dragon lives." "You know nothing. Your world will burn." The filth shouted. "What are you talking about? Speak!" Legolas never heard of such thing before. "Our time has come again. My Master serves The One." The Elven king looks up with fear in his eyes. "Do you understand now, Elfling? Death is upon you. The flames of war are upon you."

Before he could finish Thranduil took the orc's head from it's body. Legolas looked at it for a moment the dropped it. "Why did you do that? You promised to set him free." Legolas asked his father. "And I did. I freed his wretched head from his miserable shoulders." Thranduil pressed his foot on the body so it would stop shaking. "There was more the Orc could tell us." Legolas commanded with frustration. "There was nothing more that he could tell me." Thranduil turn around and started to walk down the stairs. "What did he mean by the 'flames of war'?" Asked Legolas. "It means they intend to unleash a weapon so great that it will destroy all before it." He faced his son, "I want the watch doubled at our boarders! All roads, all rivers! Nothing moves without I hear of it. No one enters this Kingdom... and no one leaves it."

Legolas walked to the gate commanding in elvish, "Close the gate! Keep it sealed by order of the King." Then he was about to walk back till Eldaernth shouted, "What about Tauriel?" Legolas paused at the sound of her name. "What about her?" "She went into the forest... armed with her bow and blade. She has not returned." Legolas turned around and walked to where he was pointing.

"I can bring her back." He told his father in elvish as he looked at the ever lasting view of Mirkwood and the Lonely Mountain at the back. "You have two days." He knew there was no point to argue with Legolas, especially when Tauriel's life is at stake. "In two days, the last moon of autumn and the first sun of winter appear in the sky together." Thranduil faced his son, "And the bells shall ring in gladness at the Mountain king's return, but all shall fall in sadness, and the lake will shine and burn."

Thanks for reading! Next chapter Tauriel and Legolas go to lake town!!! Please enter the competition if you haven't aready! The description is at the top in bold letters!<3

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