"She Walks in Starlight"

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Congrats to Jessica! Your character will be in the story. Thanks you for all you're guys support, it mean the world to me. I hope you enjoy this chapter. PLEASE vote and comment!<3

"Because I deeply care for you."

"Legolas" Tauriel whispered as she looked at Legolas turning around to face her. His face was blank, she couldn't see any emotion in his eyes. Sadness, hope, happiness, relief....love? "Ollo vae(sweet dreams)." Was all he said before he walked away leaving Tauriel the view of the last light of the day.

They continued to ride to Esgäroth, once they got there Tauriel could see the days growing darker. There it was, the world of men. She could see them in fear, she couldn't blame them for what lies on their doorstep. A sound came from the mountain, "Smaug." Legolas muttered as they road into town. Tauriel got off the horse and looked around to find the wounded dwarf, then she heard screaming coming from one of the houses. Tauriel ran as Legolas followed her, once she got into the house it was infested with blood filthy orcs.

Tauriel pulled out her two daggers as she entered the house, she turn and slashed two orcs. While she was fighting Legolas came in and started to fight as well, he fought into another room while Tauriel stabbed a orc. But to her surprise another dagger pierced the orcs body, Kili. Kili fell down screaming in pain as Tauriel looked at him in horror. "You killed them all." A young boy said as he stood up, "there are others." Legolas said as he rushed out while calling, "Tauriel come." She looked at him then the young dwarf, "we are losing him!" A dwarf said worriedly. "Tauriel." Was his last call until he ran out to hunt the filthy orcs.

In that moment she didn't know what to do, she froze. When she looked at Kili he started to fade, maybe there is no hope, she thought. She walked out the door and was about to grab her daggers when a dwarf rush in front of her with Kingsfoil in his hands. "Athelas." She whispered as she felt the leaves touching her skin. "What are you doing?" She looked at him with hope in her eyes. "I am going to save him."

Legolas ran shooting orcs as he goes, she does care for that dwarf, he thought to himself. He felt a sharp pain in his chest, he grunted and stopped. As he did he saw Blog, he quickly pulled out his blade as he faced him. He slowly walked to him when to orcs came in front of him. He kick and stabbed the orcs till he got to Blog. They threw each other and fought until Blog had is arms around Legolas.

It became tighter and tighter until Legolas hit his head on Blog's, forcing him to let go. He walked away as two orcs came to fight him. Once he finished them off, he grab his sword and leaned against a wooden pole. He blinked harshly trying to wake himself up. He touched his nose, and when he took his finger off he saw blood. It was in that moment where Legolas feared death. And it would be the last as he chased after the piece of filth out of Esgäroth.

"Hold him down." Tauriel commanded as she walked to the table where Kili was screaming. It took a few dwarves and two young girls to hold him down. She looked at the wound, she quickly looked away as she started. "Menno o nin na hon i eliad annen annin; hon leitho o-ngurth( what grace is given to me, let it pass to him; let him be spared )." Menno o nin na hon i eliad annen annin; hon leitho o-ngurth." As she chanted Kili looked at her, his eyes widen at the slight of what he was seeing. He saw an angel, a light so bright shine within her, his pain was replaced with love.

Kili laid there exhaustedly as Tauriel cleaned up, she looked at him. "Tauriel." He muttered, she looked at him smiling, "lie still." "You can not be her." He said, she looked up and faced him, "she is far away, she..she is far, far away from me. She walks in starlight in another world. It was just a dream..." She stopped, then she felt his hand touch hers. "Do you think she could have loved me?"

Tauriel was about to open her lips when the house shaked, the mountain, she thought.......Smaug.

Legolas lost Blog somewhere in the forest, he grunted in frustration. He looked back at Lake Town, he did not dare to go back. He didn't want to see the person he loved so dearly slip right through his fingers. He remembered a memory that made him smile..


Legolas walked down the stairs, he couldn't sleep. Not since his mother died. Every night he would wake up and every night he couldn't fall back to sleep. As he walked down he bumped into Tauriel. "Tauriel what are you doing this late?" He asked, "I could ask you the same question." She new what caused him to wake up so she continued, "I am going to see the stars, they say you never have seen the true beauty of the stars until you watch the them at midnight." She smiled, "care to join me?" She asked. Legolas smiled and took her hand. They ran into the forest and on top of the tree, they watched the sky unfold. As it did millions of stars shined down on them. "Tauriel." Legolas muttered as Tauriel looked at him. " do you promise that we will stay bonded to eachother?" She smiled, "for as long as the stars last" she muttered and smiled. In a long time Legolas smiled.
They went back to the palace, and when Legolas went back into his bed he fell back asleep.

[End of Flashback]

He road back to Dul Guldor, he took out his blade and searched. They was no one there, not a single sound nor a single light. But yet there was one thing, he heard breathing. He looked up to see an elf in a cage, he quickly ran up and tore the cage door open.

"Herenya?" Legolas looked at the elf, " I thought you were dead." She looked up and muttered, "Legolas."

How does Legolas know her??? Next chapter will go into The Battle of the Five Armies! My words might not be 100% like the movie. I only put down what I remember what they said. So if you remember that part more than me and it is different, that is why. Sorry. I hoped you enjoy the chapter! PLEASE vote and comment!<3

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