Shores of the Long Lake

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This will go into The Battle of the Five Armies! My words might not be 100% like the movie. I only put down what I remember what they said. So if you remember that part more than me and it is different, that is why. Sorry! I named this chapter after one of the tracks in The Hobbit album. It is called Shores of the Long Lake, it was played when Kili and Tauriel had a moment. I hope you enjoy! PLEASE vote and comment! And I hope you guys are ready for a new year!!! 2015<3

Smaug has woken..

Tauriel looked over the distance seeing the Lonely Mountain in the back. She walked back inside in a hurried pace, "we have no time, we must leave." She said as she walked and picked up a blanket. She heard Kili's brother telling him to get up when he finally said, "fine, I can walk!" She took a jacket and put it around a little girl's shoulders and the brother told her, "we are not leaving, not without our father." She didn't want them to leave without their father as well, but this time it was mind over matter."if you stay here, you're sisters will die." She turn around to face him, "is that what your father would want." She didn't asked him she reminded him that his sisters came first.

They quickly got into a boat, "give me your hand." One of the dwarves said as he helped the children on to the boat. "Quickly now!" Tauriel commanded as time was running out."Hurry." She muttered as she heard one called, "Kili, come on." They pushed off and traveled down the river. There were people screaming, shouting, crying as the fire grew. The dragon flew across the air swiftly, as one man, Bard was trying to kill the dragon on the bell tower.

"Look out!" Kili shouted as they bumped into the head master's boat. The children hanged on to Tauriel's arm as goblets, jewels and fine treasures pored out of the boat and into the water. "Da." The young boy said, followed by the young girl, "da!" She screamed his name as he shot the dragon. "He hit it! He hit the dragon! He did it, he hit his mark I saw!" Kili shouted as he looked at Tauriel, "his arrows can't pierce his hide." Tauriel pauses as she continued," I fear nothing will." The boy looked at a boat, and took a sharp breath before he grabbed on to a hook and swung on to the harbor. The dwarves were shouting at him, "what are you doing!" As they tried to reach him "wait!" They all shouted but Tauriel said, "leave him! We cannot go back." As she heard the girl cried out "Bain!"

The fire grew bigger and more fierce. She looked around seeing people crying and swimming for their lives, poor souls. She thought to herself. Smoke started to rise when she heard the dragon speak, "who are you that would stand against me?" She saw the man had the black arrow in one hand but a broken bow in the other. "Now that is a pity." Smaug hissed as he came closer to the bell tower. "What will you do now..bow man! You are forsaken, no help will come." She looked at the massive dragon breathing heavily. "Is that your child?" The serpent said as his eyes faced the young boy, "you cannot save him from the fire! He will burn!"

Tauriel shortened her breath, even though she haven't spend a lot of time will humans. She has grown very fond of them. She saw the bow man suck each side of the bow to two wooden planks and pulled the string, using his son's shoulder for a place to lay the black arrow. "Stay still son...stay still."He muttered as he pulled back the string even more. "Tell me retched, how now should you challenge me?" Then Tauriel saw it, the missing scale under the left wing.

"You have nothing left...but your death!" Smaug screamed as he charged to Bard. The boy looked back at the dragon as he shook when his father said, "Bain....looked at me. You look at me..." He said in a soothing voice. "A little to your left," he commanded. "That's it." He breathed as he smiled. The silence broke in to the apmisphere as he let go of the string. It went through the dragon's hide as the dragon screamed. Tauriel ducked her head in front of the children as she looked back seeing the dragon coming down from the sky and crashing on to the earth. Smaug is dead.

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