DISCLAIMER: This chapter includes topics referring to self harm! If you are dealing with these types of issues please go to a professional for help, but if you ever need anyone to talk to we are always here.
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"Wanna ditch?" I asked, grabbing Yui's hand.
She jumped, startled, before shaking her head and sighing. "Oh god, we're going to die aren't we?"
"It's a Tuesday, I know how to restrain myself." I assured her.
She turned and raised her eyebrows. "You absolutely do not."
I groaned and leaned my head against the hallway. School was definitely taking its toll on me. I found myself having more nightmares about failing math than the literal vampires I was living with.
"Sayaka... Eve...."
Now it was my turn to jump at the voice behind me. There stood Azusa with his usual sullen face and unreadable expression. I looked back at Yui and it seemed like we both noticed that the rest of the Mukamis weren't in sight. At that, I visibly relaxed my shoulders and unclenched my fists.
I glanced sideways waiting for him to say something but he just stared at both of us with this blank look in his eyes.
"Uh, Hey Azusa. What's up?" I tentatively asked, inching further towards the wall.
"Oh..." He dragged out, remembering the words he was going to say. "My birthday.... is today. Will you come to my party?"
I widened my eyes at his request. His birthday is today? It's October 28th, inviting us the day of. Yui looked just as taken aback as I was from the strange request. I don't know Azusa that well but I do know he's not as forward as the rest of his brothers and I appreciate that. It's also kind of nice that they still celebrate their birthdays even though they have had countless of them.
I made up my mind and nodded my head. "Yes of course, Yui and I would love to come!" I announced glancing at Yui's wide-eyed expression. "Who else will be attending?" I inquired.
He looked up as if he was counting in his head. "Justin...Christina....Melissa....and my brothers," he finished, nodding to himself.
I raised my eyebrows not recognizing any of the first three names before I realized what he just said. "So no Sakamakis?"
Azusa nodded and inside I did a little victory dance. A Sakamaki free day!
He tilted his head at my display of happiness. "Yuma will get you at four." He added.