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"Wow! I didn't know you could knit! I wish I could." Yui gushed.
"Haha, it's not anything impressive, plus I didn't know what else to give Azusa. If you want I can teach you how to knit someday." I chucked at Yui.
"Really? Thank you!" Yui said while giving me a hug.
As we were chatting the door opened, interrupting us. In the doorway stood Subaru.
"Tch, Sayaka come with me." Said the white haired male.
Yui raised her eyebrows in question and I shrugged not knowing what was going to happen.
"Well, I'll see you later Yui." I said, leaving with Subaru.
We went outside and walked in comfortable silence. We went past the rose garden and that's when it hit me, we're going to the tower.
Behind the tower was a small door with a spiral staircase leading to the top. By the time I got to the top I was winded.
"That... took long...." I panted.
The top of the tower was surprisingly spacious but most of it was taken up by a cell.
I gasped.
In the cell stood a beautiful woman with long white hair with part of it in a bun and the rest tumbled loose over her shoulder. She wore white dress that had black diamond shapes that got larger as they neared the bottom of her dress that flowed outward. She had a rose choker necklace that connected to her dress in the middle. Paired with the dress, were two long gloves that went past her elbows and almost up to her shoulders and a sheer blue fabric that covered part of her arms and flowed back like a cape.
She had garnet red eyes and wore a sorrowful expression, but when Subaru came into her line of sight her eyes lit up and she gave him a small smile.
"Subaru, how nice to see you." She said in a soft voice.
So this must be Christa, Subaru's mother.
"Hello mother." He grumbled while embracing her through the bars.
Then her attention turned towards me, she turned back towards her son, "And who is this lovely lady here?"
"She's been brought here as the second bride."
"What could Onii-sama be doing with two brides here at the same time?" She whispered.