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The ride was... interesting to say the least. The driver, who was blocked off by a tinted window, didn't utter a single word and it was giving me the creeps.
"Uh excuse me, mister?"
Well, I guess the driver really isn't a people person. I took my phone out and plugged my earbuds in. I don't know how long this ride will be but one upside, at least I get to listen to music.
Wherever I'm going, they are surely taking me far away. I just hope to see Mother again - even if it's just one last time. I rested my head against the window until the limo hit a bump in the road making a good smack resonate throughout the car.
I swear I could hear a few chuckles from the driver's seat.
My attention peaked more as soon as I saw that the rugged woods turned into lush rose bushes. I widened my eyes as an entire maze unfurled out in front of me.
Dang, these people got bank.
My daydreaming about my new wealthy life abruptly stopped just as the limo stopped. "We're here?" I asked no one in particular. I got the same silence and took it as my cue to get out. I grabbed my purse and suitcase and turned around to at least try and thank the driver. Since words aren't his speciality I gave him the biggest grin and waved my hand bye. The limo then sped off and that's when I knew that I was officially screwed.
Goodbye, license plate 9-16. I hope you'll come back for me.
Butterflies of anxiety were having a rave in my stomach but I knew I had to stay strong. That's what Mom taught me.
Walking to the front door felt like an eternity as I took my sweet time looking at all the flora and fauna around. The rose bushes were in pristine condition and I could tell they must be dearly loved by someone.
My eyes widened into saucers as I owlishly blinked at what stood in front of me. An enormous gothic mansion made out of brick stood tall and proud with pillars and towers soaring high into the sky.
I approached the huge wooden doors and lifted the brass knocker once. The door creaked as if it hadn't opened in ages.
Okay, a huge gothic door opening with no one at the other end... bad sign.
My voice came out a bit shakier than I wanted to but I hoped someone would get the memo before I had to go all Dora the Explorer on this house, wait scratch that, Castle
"Mhm fufu, there's another Bitch-chan sent for me?" Cold hands gripped my waist.
Oh Hell no.
I managed to turn around and was greeted by a pair of emerald green eyes, and without a second thought, I kneed him where the sun don't shine. The green-eyed stranger let go and doubled over.
"Well, hello to you too," I said with a smile.
"What is this ruckus?" A butler-looking man came out to say. I bowed "Sorry for the disturbance, but this hooligan-" I stopped to point at the pained man "is the one who started it."
The butler man pinched his nose between his glasses. "Come with me to the living room, and you too Laito." The male on the floor groaned and got up. He turned to look at me and smirked, "Kitty's got claws."
I shook the feeling of disgust and disappointment and followed them into the ballroom-sized living room. There on the couch lay a blonde male with earbuds resting peacefully. He opened one eye to look at us.
"Shu. Care to explain our new visitor?" The Sebastian-looking guy said with a lot of annoyance in his voice.
Shu just sighed and said "That guy said she'd be our new bride. Oh, I was also told don't kill her or else...."
"Wait a second, I'm going to be a bride?"I asked puzzled.
"At least she got melons unlike pancake here." Said a strawberry-haired male. When did they get here?
I glanced over to his side to see a shoulder-length blonde girl with bright pink eyes. She didn't really look like she wanted to be here and the guy was gripping her shoulder hard making her grimace.
I knew instantly that I would protect this child with my life.
"Hey get your hands off of her!" I yelled, trying to muster the most hate I could in my eyes.
"Or what? What are you going to do about it?" He smirked as he squeezed her shoulder. I frowned and tried to make my way over to them before another cold hand gripped my wrist.
What's up with these guys and their cold body parts?
"Ne, Teddy, she is loud but she smells oh so sweet," he purred bringing my wrist closer to his lips to kiss it. I turned to see this gothic Lolita kid staring at me with amethyst eyes. Wow, he would be the perfect Ciel in Black Butler.
I shook off his grip as he gave me an insane smile. Jeepers creepers.
From across the room, I heard a deafening crack. I turned to see an albino punching a wall. "What the hell is going on here? Someone answer me!"
"Dang, what did the wall ever do to you?"
The white-haired boy just glared at me.
Sebastian then spoke up. "From now on, you will be living with my brothers and I as the newest bride."
The blonde-haired girl perked up at the sound of that.
"You will go to school with us, obey our commands, and under no circumstances will you run away from us, or else I will have to punish you." Said, Sebastian.
"Teddy, do you think that we will be the first to bite her?" Asked the Ciel-looking kid to his teddy bear.
I took a step back, biting me? What was this, some prank?
"It will obviously be yours truly, Ore-sama" the strawberry-haired dude piped in. "Well, she can't even keep her hands off of me." Fedora hat said.
Wait, are they vampires?
"If you guys are vampires, then why are the windows open? All that sunlight must make you burn up, or sparkle, or both?" I asked, backing away slowly.
"You really believe those silly legends humans came up with? Garlic, sunlight, and crosses won't work on us, Yui here had to learn that the hard way." Sebastian scolded. "Anyways, this charade has gone on long enough. Let me introduce myself, I am Reiji Sakamaki, the second oldest, the couch potato over there is Shu Sakamaki, the eldest out of all of us. Next are the triplets Laito, Kanato, and Ayato. And lastly, is Subaru who is the white-haired one, and Yui is our other guest."
"Well, I guess I should introduce myself as well. Hello my name is Sayaka Ichigo."
Reiji nodded and gestured to Yui, "Yui, please show her to the room next to yours, that's where she will be residing from now on."
I turned to grab my suitcase and saw a Tanaka-looking guy drag it with him into the shadows.
I guess the whole Phantomhive gang is here.
I looked at Yui with a 'Is this normal?' look and she just smiled sheepishly back at me. All I know is that when I'm breaking out of here she's coming with me.