I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend {Reddie}

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Fem! teen Reddie based off of I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend by Girl In Red; our lesbian goddess

Richie= Richelle, Eddie= Eden. Modern Day minus the current fuckery. Richelle is called Rich cause she's kinda boyish and she hates her full name and she calls Eden "Eds", but emphasis on the 'E'.

 Richelle was out as lesbian. It really wasn't a big deal, Derry is still kinda bad about acceptance, but it was 2020 so no one said anything. However, what was a big deal -to her and her friends at least- was her never wavering crush on Eden. Her best friend since childhood. 

 Rich had been listening to Girl In Red all night..again. It was the fifth time she'd done this in one week and about the eighth time she'd heard I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend that night alone when she got an idea, "If I send this to Eden and she thinks it's weird, I'll just say I really like the song. Therefore not really a lie. Loophole!" She thought. She clicked the share button on her phone and clicked Eden's contact. Sent. 

 Eden was laying awake reading when her phone went off. "Dammit, Richelle. I'm getting to the good part!" She whisper yelled as she read who the text was from. She sat down the book she'd been reading, Call Me By Your Name to be exact, and picked up her phone, opening the messages app. Eden plugged in her headphones and clicked the link.

Oh Hanna, I wanna feel you close. Oh Hanna, come lie with my bones.

Oh Hanna, don't look away. Oh Hanna, just look at me the same.

I don't wanna be your friend I wanna kiss your lips.

 Eden was shocked. She didn't know what to think. The lyrics stood out to her, she was well aware the song was sent on purpose and she wasn't mad about it. Actually, she was quite happy.

 Richelle had been pacing her room, biting her nails, and thinking for the past couple minutes awaiting Eden's responce. 


 Rich rushed to her bed and grabbed her phone. There was a text from Eden that read: 

"It's three a.m. Rich. Go to bed. And we'll talk about the song tomorrow. Meet me at the quarry around 12 p.m. <3"  

 She starred at her phone, "What in the tenth ring of hell does that mean?!"

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