Are You Serious? (Reddie)

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  Richie's POV
     "Yes I'm fucking serious Beverly!" I said into the phone, "Ok Rich, just calm down, I don't see why this is so important dude. You already knew you liked him, how is this different?" Bev asked from the other side "BECAUSE BEV IM IN LOVE WITH HIM! THAT MEANS SOMETHING TO ME!" I couldn't believe what I just screamed into my phone "woah..Rich I-" Bev was shocked, I cut her off saving some time "Bev, he'll be here soon. I'll think about what you said. I might tell him. I gotta go." "Wait!" Bev replied, wait is she laughing? "Dude are you seriously listening to 'Eddie my love' right now?!" She was laughing hysterically now. "Maybe I am, bye!" I was laughing a little too as I hung up.
   I sat on the edge of my bed and continued listening to songs that remind me of Eddie, my best friend and crush. Jenny by StudioKillers comes on and I jump up and start dancing. I start singing the beginning then I hear a knock on my bedroom door. "Hey Eds!" I said smiling "Hey Rich, whatcha listening too?" He is so beautiful oh my God "I'm listening to Jenny, should I change it?" " No, I like your music" he flashed me the cutest smile ever and he grabbed my hands and started dancing. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna tell him by singing the lyrics. I look at Eddie in the eyes and he stops spinning "What's wrong 'Chee?" He asked with a worried face "I wanna ruin out friendship, we should be lovers instead..." I sing and watch the look in his face change as he realizes what I just said. "Are you serious?" He looked up at me again "Yea... I'm sorry, you can go if you want Eddie." I let go of his hands and sat in my bed "Don't call me that Chee." Eddie sat beside me. What does he mean? He normally hates the nicknames I give him but I said his real name, didn't I? "What do you mean Eddie, I called you by your name. You hate everything else I call you." "Damnit Richie, how the hell do you always call me the oblivious one?!" Wait how does he know that?!?! "Ed's, I- what do you mean?" I looked over at him and he looked up at me. "Oh my God, Edward Spaghedward are you saying you lo- like me too?" I said trying not to say how much I love him "I love you too Chee. I heard your convo with Bev. Will you just shut up and kiss me now?" Holy fuck! He just said that! "I love you t-" I was cut of by his lips hitting mine it was amazing. This is all I wanted. I remembered what he asked earlier. "By the way Eddie, I am serious."

Reddie/Stenbrough/Byler oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now