My big brother Cole

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I was adopted one day before my birthday, and we where going to the court house. And we where making me an official part of the Brock family. The entire morning I spent hanging out with Cole. Until we all got ready to go. I remember I made Cole sit in the back with me on the way. I don't remember everything that happened. But I do remember that we went out for ice cream and I got my all time favorite, strawberry. After ice cream we went back to the houce and I walked in and I remember being so exited. "We are home now!" I said jumping around. "You're my mom now!!! And you are my dad!!! And Colby you are my big brother!!!" I said still jumping around. I ran up to Pat and hugged her "I love you guys" I said "we love you too sweetheart" Pat said hugginge back. Then Dad, Cole, and Gage all came.
The rest of the day we all hung out and had fun. And that night we made Bannansplits and watched movies. And it was the best day of my life, and still is to this day. And our rooms where now across the ball from each other. It's funny to think that our bond started over his stuffed Koala and a stuffed rabbit. That night when I went to bed, I finally went to sleep knowing I could start calling Pat and Robert mom and dad. And I was exited to do that. I officially had the name Brock, and it was perfect. My family was perfect, and I was happy. I also didn't bug Cole that night either. He was probably happy to have a small break from me. Because from the age of seven to nine. I spent all my time with him. I didn't think anything would bring us apart. Until the next year when Cole went to a summer camp. He met Sam.

A/n: I know this is a short chapter, but the next will be longer, I hope you enjoyed 😊

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