Mindmeld [OLD VERSION]

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[Third person, wooh]

Summary: The paladins of Voltron attempt the 'mind-meld' exercise that was performed in the first episode, in an attempt to learn more about each other. It just so happens that Keith's mind and memories are the best place for anyone to be. Especially himself.

Warnings: Swearing, Past-Child Abuse, Trauma in general, and self-harm (banging head against a wall)

Word Count: 3924


"Once again, we will be performing the Mind-Meld bonding exercise. If you all remember correctly, we performed this the first day of training, and you all elegantly failed."

'Well okay then, hello to you too, Allura' Keith thought to himself

The dark-haired male glanced around the room, taking in the practical area. 

"Seeing as all of you have improved your efforts in forming Voltron, we will be using this moment to share our pasts and mostly, our backgrounds in general." Allura clasped her hands together, looking around at all of the Paladins.

Keith stilled, 'Well this isn't going to be pretty' he sighed much more heavily than he wanted to. Honestly, this was the last thing he wanted to do, but you know what? He also didn't want to get shot into space in a giant blue lion, but whoops

"What is it mullet, don't wanna share all your accomplishments? Pff, that's surprising." Lance laughed, raising his eyebrows as he interrupted Keith's train of thought.

"Whatever, Lance," Keith muttered, eyes rolling. He ran a hand through his hair as he tugged on the ends of his cropped jacket nervously.

Shiro clasped his hands awkwardly, probably as a way to break the tension, Keith assumed, "Well, I for one think this is a great idea princess! It's always great to learn more about each other, right everyone?" The Black Paladin eyes shot around the room, looking expectantly to the younger heroes. Giving his signature 'dad-look', Shiro smiles.

A scoff came from Pidge, who pushed their glasses up the bridge of their nose, "I'm pretty sure we know most things about each other. Shiro was a rising star of the Garrison, "

This caused Shiro's face to flush a bright red, chuckling softly

'You know it's true, don't even try that "bashful" ploy' Keith thought snarkily.

"Lance has his humongous family and has to deal with his little cousins' wrath, Hunk is an amazingly culinarily inclined engineer–"

Hunk smiled, looking down bashfully.

– actually nevermind. I hardly know anything about Keith and Shiro. Whatever, let's do this."

Hunk nodded, "Yeah, I only really know a lot about Lance, seeing as we're best buds."

Lance smirked, throwing an arm around his friend's shoulder, "Best buds for life!"

The two then continued to do some strange handshake that consisted of first bumps, knee bumps, and toe touches. The display was actually quite fitting to both Hunk and Lance's dynamic.

Allura arched her eyebrows, sending the two a confused look, but continued her speech-thing, "...Right, let's get started then!'

Keith gulped, which he hoped wasn't noticeable and sat down in a crisscross-applesauce pose. Yes, he still called it that, let him live this life, dammit.

Keith isn't very excited to share his memories, I mean, he's an orphaned kid with abandonment issues and a track history of abuse and trauma...
Talk about emotional baggage, huh?

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