Keith Comes Out

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Author's Note: NOT ANGST! Only good vibes for LGBTQ+ (I'm the B :] ) also shipping is mostly ambiguous in my one-shots but uh, there's a little bit of klance👀 also please excuse my horrible description of pidge's transition from FTM and then using they/them pronouns, if I offended anyone I apologize and would like to be educated how to properly refer to this :) ALSO Keith is 18 here !!!

Summary: Allura and Lance think Keith needs to go on a few dates with some local alien women. Keith finally cracks after too much teasing.

Word Count: 2121  words

Warnings: ⚠️ lgbtq+ content, innuendos, sex jokes, and swearing ⚠️


Let's get one thing straight: Keith is not.


And another thing, Keith had never tried to hide his sexuality from anyone other than a few foster families. Nope, he'd been out and proud everywhere, including the Galaxy Garrison.

What's the significance of all this? Well, Keith has just realized that everyone  on Team Voltron except for Shiro, think he's straight! Allura had already tried to set him up with an alien chick and that's just... no. He thinks not. Keith would rather an alien dude, thank you very much. Now, yeah, that's only Allura, but then Lance pretty much verbally harrassed him for turning the princess' offer down.

And that just confused him even more. How did Lance not know? Granted, the Blue Paladin is quite oblivious at times, proven when Pidge revealed that they hadn't originally been male-to-nonbinary, and had been wrongfuly born as a female. But it's just Lance and Allura who don't know, right?

Nope! Because right after Lance had finished teasing Keith for his lack of interest, Hunk, fucking Hunk, scolded the Blue Paladin and then thoughtfully told Keith that he would get a girlfriend when he wanted to, not when other people wanted him to. Which was a good message overall but seriously?

How do they not know?!

It wasn't like it was an unknown fact of the Garrison. The number of guys Keith had been caught making out and doing... other things with, within the flight simulator was too many to count– there's also the fact that Iverson had found out about his 'lifestyle' and used it for his own gain. After the first few times of being caught by other students, rumors had officially begun that the up-and-rising star of the Garrison, Keith Kogane, was gay! And of course, these rumors sparked an idea within Commander Iverson's brain–

Why not use this to the Garrison's advantage?

Only about a day and a half later, Keith had become the face of the Galaxy Garrision for many LGBTQ+ youth, (hence Shiro not being out yet), and was basically the reason why there was so much diveristy in the Garrison from there on. It almost was to say, "if the dark and brooding twink could reach the top charts, you can too!" Although the mantra was mentally-made by Keith himself, it described the situation accurately. So no, Keith doesn't understand how everyone other than Shiro think's he's straight.

And what about Shiro, what's he doing to improve Keith's situation? Nothing! That white-haired bitch has been subtly laughing as his misery, waiting for him to crack. Watching with owlish eyes to witness that trainwreck that's gonna be Keith's coming out. And Dear Quiznack is Keith about to crack.


Keith drummed his gloved fingers on the metal of the training room bench, a scowl placated on his face. He's seriously about to lose his mind. For the past few days, Allura and Lance had been very adamant to get him to go on a date with some random Galavarien women-- attractive, sandy-orange, human like people that Team Voltron had recently signed a Coalition treaty with. Meanwhile, Shiro continued to laugh at him from afar, waiting for him to snap.

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