This is it

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Author's Note: This is inspired by an audio/quotes from Bojack Horseman. A surprisingly deep and sad show. This involves some Lance interaction– you decide if it has klance, or not!

Summary: In a world where Lotor
came to the Paladin's aid too late, meaning Keith went through with his kamikaze plan at the Battle of Nazxela. After Keith's death, his memories are loaded onto a hologram similar to King Alfor's.

Warnings: Angst, mentions Major-Character-Death, swearings

Word Count: shorter than usual but 2312 words :)

(Enjoy, get a tissue box, maybe?? This has been rewritten btw :) )


Lance's feet padded urgently towards a the memorial. His eyes were wide with determination, his eyebrows furrowed while his legs carried him to the new room with a swift pace.


Why did that fucking idiot have to do this?

Matt had been the one to break the news. The one who had witnessed it first hand. God, Lance couldn't even begin to comprehend how much that had affected the older Holt sibling. The moment of sadness replayed in Lance's mind like a broken record as he stumbled to Keith's new room.


A dishelved Matt Holt tumbled out of his ship and into the docking bay of the Castle of the Lions. Heavily panting with watery eyes. The Holt sibling was dressed in his rebel battle-uniform, clutching a blue and white decorated communicator. Matt panted, his body stiff in shock

"I– K-Keith... he–"

The boy then fell down to the floor in agony, his dirty-blond locks swatted through the air. He pounded a fist against the metal floor aggressively, letting out a muffled cry.

Shiro froze almost immediately, his normally stoic expression had been exchanged for one of panic. "M-Matt... what are you talking about?

Matt looked up from the floor and at the taller man then gulped, licking his lips, "H-He... Shiro, God, Keith's–"

Shiro suddenly barked, exasperated "SPIT IT OUT, MATT!"

"K-Keith's dead!"

The room automatically got quieter, the sounds of soft breathing being the only audible sign of life.

Lance felt himself choke on his own spit, the oh-so familiar feeling of his heart dropping into his stomach reminded him that what was happening was real. His eyes darted around the room and spotted Hunk.

The Hawaiian had a look of ailment on his bruised face, minor scrapes bleeding. A similar watery look in his eyes as he clutched his stomach, at an attempt to calm the round of nausea.

"Mulle... Wh-What, no, he can– Keith isn't dead!" Lance managed to string the words together, feeling his own breathing begin to get heavier.

Matt hiccuped, then began to run his hands through his hair. An all too motionless Pidge eventually got down on their knees and began to comfort their brother. The Green-Paladin pulled Matt to his feet, allowing their older sibling to brace himself on their arm.

"What do you mean, Keith's dead, Matt? What happened?" Pidge asked soothingly, attempting to hide their franticness.

Matt shook his head wretchedly, tears welling up as he recalled Keith's final moments. The screaming, the pleading, the heat.

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