Keith's Birthday

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[Takes place when at least a year has passed while in Space, * means translation at end of the chapter :)]

Summary: Keith has never really enjoyed his birthday, but this year, he and the one person who has made at least a small effort to celebrate with has been reunited together. So Keith at least expects a 'Happy Birthday'... But it just so happens that Takashi is not that good with dates.

Warnings: uhh nothing really notable, just some angst, really, lmao, I don't think there's even any swearing

Words: 3071 words

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One last note: This chapter has been edited with the use of Grammarly because we need not beta readers! We die like warriors :00000


Keith sighed as he looked at the datapad that was melded into his wall.

It was currently 9:23 AM, October 31st. 

Today was Keith's birthday. He's turning 19.

You may think this is a good thing, fun even! But, for an orphan who stayed at group homes where no one cared about birthdays, it's not.

No one ever bothered to wish him "Happy Birthday!" after his dad died, not his foster "parents", his classmates, or nonexistent friends. The only person who really even acknowledged that he had lived another year was Shiro, and because their friendship was so new at the time, the great Takashi Shirogane never pressed the matter of why he never celebrated.The most he did was give Keith a frosted pink cupcake, roughly pat him on the shoulder, and smile before mumbling, "Happy Birthday, 남동생*." Keith wasn't sure what it meant, seeing as he hadn't spoken Korean since he was really young.

He ran a hand through his mop of dark hair as he recalled the memory, squeezing his eyes one time, then opening them once more to stare down at his feet.

'It's just a normal day, you'll probably just get a small "happy birthday" from Shiro and that's it.' He reassured himself, grabbing at his cropped jacket from his otherwise empty closet.

Slipping his arms into the red, white, and yellow jacket, Keith pressed the palm-shaped button on the bottom of the datapad, watching as the aquamarine lines of light came to life on the metal door. The door slid open, welcoming him into the empty hall.

His soft steps could barely be heard as he walked down the brightly lit hallway, though it really wasn't a hallway– more like a very long, grand entrance. Keith's heavy-duty shoes somehow only making a slight pitter-patter noise.

Keith could hear the laughter of his fellow Paladins from the communal area, which consisted of a very hard, a sofa-shaped mound that was attached to the paneling of the floor.

It kind of reminded him of a bathtub, if he really thought about it, but nevermind that.

As Keith walked into the room, he nodded at the others, they nodded back, acknowledging each other politely.

It was strange, Keith at least expected Shiro to wake him up, seeing as this was what Shiro did when they were on Earth. But whatever, it's not like he cared or anything.

No, not at all.

Keith did NOT care about his birthday, it was just a reminder that he was alone with nothing to really celebrate about.

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