No More Energy

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[Set a few weeks after BOM reveals our bro's heritage]

Summary: Keith has learned his true heritage and has somewhat isolated himself from his friends.
Because of this, Keith doesn't feel the need to tell his team that he is in pain. It all goes downhill from there...

Warnings: Swearing, self-deprecating thoughts, descriptions of different kinds of pain

Word Count: 2047 words

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The sound of Keith's body hitting the floor.

Turns out the Gladiator can get the upper-hand


The sound of Keith's sword clashes with the Gladiator's spear. The sound of metal-on-metal sends a rush through Keith as his eyes dart every possible area to attack the robot.


Keith is part-galra.

Did you see this coming, because Keith definitely didn't!

Another clash of metal, eliciting a grunt from Keith.

'You're part of the blood-lusting race that destroyed, Allura and Coran's home planet!' Boomed the voice in the dark-haired males' head.

Keith grimaced at the voice, grunting as he got into another fighting stance. Ignoring the ache in his bones, he puts his fists up, one guarding his main arteries, the other brandishing his red and white bayard.

Fighting... that's the only thing he good at.

If he's good at fighting, he's okay.

Fighting keeps him on the team.

The adolescent staggers his bayard into the Gladiator's chest, breathing heavier than normal as he disarms the robot.

"END TRAINING SEQUENCE" Keith shouts, clearing his throat momentarily after noticing the slight gravel to his voice.

"God.. what did I do to piss off, uh, whoever's controlling my life?" He mumbles in confusion. That must be it, right? He did something bad in his past life or something... Why else would his life be this way? Orphaned, abandoned, and part of a murderous species. He looks around him, no one else is in the training room, not even in the observation deck. The cool whites and blues of the room urge him to calm down but he can't find it in himself too.

It had been about 2 weeks since his heritage has been revealed, and so far everyone has been walking on eggshells around him. Treating him as if he was a wild animal, ready to strike if he got out of hand. Keith's pretty sure he saw Coran- Coran! - reach for the equivalent of a taser, when he entered the lab the other day.

But don't get Keith wrong, he understands why he's being singled out. I mean, Shiro was tortured by the Galra, Pidge's family was captured by them, Allura and Coran had their entire species eradicated. And Hunk and Lance both fight his... kind every day.

Obviously, he gets it. But hadn't he earned their trust? They've been fighting together for months now. Do they seriously not trust him enough to at least treat him relatively normal?

This is why Keith ignored the ache in his bones, the splitting head pains he gets when he wakes up, and the feeling of burning, hot knives cutting into his shoulder that plagues him every evening.

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