Chapter Seven - The Riders of Rohan

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"Adriel!" Pippin whispered loudly as the Orcs continued to run, "Adriel!" Her lips were slightly parted as her head lightly bounced on the Orcs back. Pippin could see a large patch of blood seeping through her green tunic along her entire side. The Hobbit's stomach dropped. Was she dying? Had they killed her? He stared at her ghostly pale skin, she couldn't be gone. It was impossible. Her usually cheery face was now smudged with dirt and a series of dark bruises and scrapes along with a split lip. He pursed his lips tightly. "Merry! Merry!" Pippin shouted in a whisper as he quickly looked past Adriel over to Merry, he too was unconscious. A large gash slowly bled from just above his eyebrow. The Orcs suddenly stopped to meet a group of smaller Orcs that suddenly emerged from behind a cluster of large boulders.

"You're late, our master grows impatient. He wants the Witch and the shire rats now!" a slim Orc chided impatiently as he moved closer to the leader of the group that had captured the Hobbits and Adriel.

"I don't take orders from Orc maggots," the biggest Orc of their group snarled back, "Saruman will have his prize, we will deliver them." Pippin's heart raced, he looked over to Adriel once again. Her eyes were still closed and her breaths were raspy and shallow, sweat beaded on her pale forehead. Panic flooded through his body as he watched blood continue to slowly dribble down her side and onto the soggy ground. If these creatures weren't Orcs what were they? Why did they want them? Why did they want Adriel?

"Adriel, Adriel wake up!" Pippin begged quietly as he desperately tried to wake her. His bright eyes shifted from the wounded Witch to an Orc that stood in between them chugging something from a dirty looking water skin. "My friend is sick," the halfling's voice wavered as he shouted to the filthy creature, "she needs water, please."

"Sick is she? Give her some medicine boys!" the leader yelled in a sadistic tone as he pointed towards Adriel. The creatures all roared as an orc holding a water skin moved towards Adriel, pouring a sticky red liquid into her mouth. Adriel gagged and coughed as she rolled her head to the side, Pippin felt his eyes grow wide.

"Stop it!" Pippin cried out as he stared at the woman beside him. She choked and spit out the liquid before letting out a soft groan, her eyes rolled back and her head bobbed as she fought to stay awake.

"Can't take her draught!" the Orc cackled as he pointed towards the Witch. Pippin's blood boiled but fear paralyzed him as Adriel continued to cough up the syrupy substance.

"Leave her alone!" Pippin screamed as he tried to lean closer to her.

"Why? You want some? Huh? Keep your mouth shut," the leader growled as he pointed towards the Hobbit. Pippin pursed his lips together and watched as the massive Orc walked back to the front of the group.

"Adriel," Pippin whispered as he looked back over to her.

"Hey Pip," she rasped as she weakly turned to him. Her golden eyes were dull.

"You're hurt," he whimpered. Tears welled in his eyes as he looked over her once again.

"I'm fine. It's all just an act," she murmured as her head lolled to the side slightly. She wore a weak smile on her pale lips as she looked into Pippin's eyes.

"An act?" he asked in a hopeful tone. Had she not been hurt? Was she actually just fine? Her smile grew a little as she let her head rest on her Orcs back.

"See? I fooled you too. Don't worry about me Pippin," she breathed out in a pained tone. His smile faltered as her eyes fluttered shut, she was so weak. She was lying, she wasn't just acting. She wasn't okay. A loud sniffing noise tore Pippin's attention away from Adriel, he looked up to the front of the group to where a large orc was looking around.

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