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The girl woke up to a black room, an eerie sort of darkness encapsulating the place, no windows to allow sunlight to enter, just a door, a bed and a chair that Haewon was tied up to

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The girl woke up to a black room, an eerie sort of darkness encapsulating the place, no windows to allow sunlight to enter, just a door, a bed and a chair that Haewon was tied up to.

Head throbbing in pain, as memories of the events flashed in her mind, unable to make sense of it.

She pulled at the rope but it was no use, tears started cascading down her eyes as she felt frightened, no one was there and she was kidnapped.

Haewon sat there, feeling suffocated by the caliginous room, she whimpered not knowing what to do.

" She's fucking innocent, Jisung!" Taeyong scolded the younger, but he still stood there emotionless, not giving a care to the elder's words.

" She's the only person who can help us get information." he said coldly while Taeyong sighed in frustration, massaging his temples.

" Fine. You do whatever you want with her just go back to the dreamies and don't you dare do anything dangerous without informing me." he said as Jisung walked towards the door.

" No promises." he mumbled out before leaving.

" What am I going to do with him.." Taeyong muttered out frustratingly.

Jisung calmly walked towards the room where Haewon was locked up in, only to hear cries from the inside as the rest of the dreamies were curiously placing their ears on the door to hear her.

" What are you guys doing?" Jisung asked, raising an eyebrow as the dreamies scurried away from the door allowing the cold, emotionless boy to walk towards it.

" Uh, who is she? She has been crying for like the past hour." Chenle, his best friend asked.

" Mhm, she's just someone important." Jisung stated bluntly as he held the door knob, turning it slowly and opening it.

Upon hearing the door creak, Haewon's head shot up only to see the boy from before, the one who was able to somehow disappear and reappear whenever he wants.

He entered the room while a few other boys trailed in behind him, he stopped right in front of her as he crouched down looking at Haewon in the eye, hand cupping her chin as he tilted her head upwards.

His near pitch black eyes stared back at her chocolate brown ones, his eyes full of void that it made her squirm in fright, no one could read him. He was just an expressionless person that it made her wonder if he was even capable of having feelings.

Jisung clicked his tongue as he studied the girl while the other boys whom she don't know of - actually she didn't know any of them - watched the scene unfold from behind.

Many questions lingered in Haewon's mind, everything left unanswered.

" Who are you? What do you want from me? Let me go!" Haewon yelled as she came back to her senses, but it was of no use as everyone stood still, it was as if they hadn't heard her words, like they were just robots analyzing her every move.

Haewon was about to yell again until the boy suddenly held up a gun to her forehead in mere seconds, making her eyes widened in fright from being held at gunpoint while his eyes continued to pierce through her soul.

" Listen here and listen well, you are staying here until we are done with you, you are not going anywhere, we allow you to walk around and eat and do the necessary things but you are not going to leave this house, you understand?" he instructed, his voice low and filled with coldness, sending shivers down her spine as Haewon nervously nodded her head like a lost puppy as she looked into his eyes for any indication of feelings but she saw none.

" You guys know what to do with her." he said before disappearing right in front of her eyes, as she stared at the empty spot where the boy was just at with her mouth agape.

" W-what-?" Haewon stuttered in confusion, while the boys just chuckled at her reaction.

" He does that often just to show off and to make him look more intimidating, sorry on behalf of him for scaring you with that gun." one of them spoke, they sounded nice, maybe they were, but Haewon didn't want to conclude anything yet, she had just net then after all.

" Okay we'll bring you to go wash up first then we will bring you to eat dinner, okay?" another one spoke as the other two untied my bonds.

" What are your names?" Haewon asked.

" I'm Haechan, the blue hair is Jaemin, the brown haired one is Jeno, the black one is Chenle while the blonde hair one is Renjun." the boy with purple hair, Haechan said with a smile.

" I'm Haewon, but who is the other one the one with that weird ability and had literally no emotions." She spoke while studying each of their faces.

" Oh he's Jisung, the best of the best around here, you better not mess with him and you'd be lucky if you can spark an emotion out of him, we had never been able to do that but we are all close friends." Jeno said, giving Haewon a cute eye smile making her heart flutter.

They untied her bonds and brought her to the bathroom to wash up.

" Maybe being here won't be so bad." she thought not knowing how much of a hell of a ride it was going to be, despite that thought, she was still slowly planning a way to escape that place.

Jisung was in his bedroom thinking about what had happen a moment ago, the way Haewon's big innocent chocolate brown eyes glistened with tears as she looked at him, sparked something deep down inside.

He felt it, an emotion, he didn't know how or what it was though, it was like a spark of fire, it lit and then extinguished in a matter of seconds.

Haewon made him feel something, even if it was small, it was the first time he had felt a hint of emotions.

He didn't know how she managed it especially when he had just met her, but he just shrugged it off like it was nothing, he didn't know what it was anyways and he barely felt it, he could have been mistaking it, right?

But that moment, was the first time guilt sparked inside him, but of course he was oblivious to that fact.

But that moment, was the first time guilt sparked inside him, but of course he was oblivious to that fact

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