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" Who said that we didn't care about her, that's what I meant

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" Who said that we didn't care about her, that's what I meant. One. Step. Ahead." Haewon's father said, smirking evilly.

Realisation dawned on Jisung and Taeyong, the girl wasn't safe at all.

" Shit. This isn't over." Taeyong mumbled before rushing out of the room as Jisung slowly followed behind.

" I would be careful if I were you, who knows how much time there is left till the bomb explodes." their sworn enemy spoke before the door closed behind Jisung.

" How the hell did we not think they would do that." Jisung mumbled frustratingly to himself.

The two rushed out, talking into their earpiece, all 20 were hurrying to their places, some going to their other hideouts to prepare for when they had to move, while other's were all headed towards their main hideout, which was where the girl was at, alone in her room as Chenle was doing some business in his own.

The presence in the dark depths of Haewon's room went unnoticed to her as she concentrated on her book while the man took note of her every move.

He had always been there, spying, watching her relationship with him, his son, yes. He was Park Jisung's father.

He always had a spy camera in the room, watching her interactions with him, observing the way his son did things differently when it came to her.

His once emotionless son was feeling things, it was in the genes, Alexithymia, the one condition his father had, one that can be fixed but he had never made an effort to.

Teaching his son to become a duplicate of him, his horrible and disgusting ways, the torture his son had to face because of him.

That's why Jisung ran away from him, turning him into his enemy, running away from that monster he had once lived up to.

Time passed painfully slow, the boys all hurriedly doing their jobs as quickly as possible while Haewon sat in the room reading your book oblivious to her surroundings.

Chenle sat in the kitchen, eating his food and listening to music, completely unaware of the danger that stood right in the middle of the living room.

" What the-" Chenle spoke before the lights went out, his mouth being covered by a cloth and he was carried onto a chair in the middle of the living room, getting tied up tightly to it.

" Who- are- you-" he said, voice muffled by the cloth, but the guy left, through the front door, the door slammed shut just as the lights turned on, what stood right at the middle of the table in the living room didn't go unnoticed by the boy.

His eyes widened as the timer started, beeping as each second passed, he anxiously moved around trying to get out of his bonds, but he had nothing on him, he felt helpless, the timer clicked and clicked as he cried.

50 seconds

The door opened, revealing the members as they hurriedly rushed in, some helping to untie him while others went rushing to grab every important documents and weapons.

Jisung came and helped to untie his best friend, staying as calm as possible, but how can he be when the bomb was right there stuck to the table waiting to explode.

30 seconds

Everyone rushed out, evacuating the place, rushing towards the van to head for cover, wanting to get to their hideout before anything happens.

20 seconds

Jisung exited the house, feeling something missing, something empty, something wrong.

He felt like they were missing something or someone, something important that they left back in the house.

That's when everything clicked, his eyes widening in realisation as he started to panic.

" Guys, Haewon is still inside."


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