012 | Teacher's Pet

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Kaname's POV:

"Lord Kaname, can I ask something?" She looked at me innocently with the big, red eyes she now had. "Yes, of course, you can Y/N." "Why are you being nicer to me than to the rest?" "Well, you are closer to me than the rest." This question I already saw coming; I just didn't know when it would be asked. "I don't know Y/N, but you fascinate me; you have so many mysteries and so much lust in such a tiny, cute, beautiful body and personality. You intrigue me, Y/N." This made her blush in an instant, looking down at her feet.

I took my finger, put it under her chin, and made her look at me. "But we have to go now. Your first lesson starts in a few minutes, and we will find out what your special powers are." This made her dark eyes light up from excitement, making her hold my hand and run downstairs—so cute.

"Lord Kaname, can I ask something?" "Of course, you can Y/N."Why does she keep asking if she can ask a question? I don't mind her asking questions at all; maybe she doesn't know. "What do the others have in terms of power?" I smirked at her; of course, she'd be afraid of that; she's afraid she can't do anything in comparison to others; she's insecure, even when you can't see it.

''Aidoh can manipulate ice, Kain can do the same but with fire, Ruka can create illusions, and Shiki can use his blood as a weapon, like a whip. Rima can make electric shocks, and Ichijo can break things up to a molecular level, but he still finds it hard to control.'' "I want to be able to do what Shiki can too! That's so cool!" she screamed, jumping into the air. "It's possible, but his talent is very hard and dangerous; if the weapon gets cut, you lose all the blood that has been cut off; it can't make it back to its body." She nodded and was now silent until we reached the door.

She stood in front of it but didn't open it; she just stood there with her big, E/C eyes staring at it.

Y/N's POV:

Behind this door, I heard everyone laugh. I was scared that if I walked in, the mood would be ruined. I knew that not many of them liked me. And after everything that happened last night, I think no one does anymore. "Y/N, do you want to open the door or should I?" I looked up, seeing how concerned Lord Kaname was. ''I have to obey the Lord, or I will be disrespectful.'' He now came closer to my ear to whisper in a deep, husky voice. "Does it look like I want you to put yourself below me? Y/N, just call me Kaname, be yourself, and don't care about what others think." I nodded, now blushing, and hid behind him before the door opened.

As I thought, everyone was immediately quiet while giving me a dirty look. I laid my eyes down and kept quiet, still following Kaname. "Y/N, please sit here." I nodded and sat down just before a woman with red eyes walked in. I don't like how she is looking at me.

"I heard we have a new student," she now said with a cocky expression. I looked up since she was talking about me. "Ah, so what is your name?" she asked, walking up to me. "I'm Y/N L/N miss," I said quietly. "I heard you recently turned? I never thought you would still be here, to be honest. I also don't know why you're in this lesson since it is obvious you don't have any powers and will never get any.'' She started giving me the stink eye.

I stood up without thinking. "You don't know if I will get powers or not; you don't know me." She turned around with a smirk, trying to express her dominance. I felt it against my skin. "Oh, I do know, dear; I read all the papers about you. You are just a human turned into a vampire." ''But not with a bite; you never read that in the papers since the cause is still unclear. No one knows how or why I turned, and no one knows my rank; only Kaname does." I also said it forcefully, this time radiating a little of my power to her so she could feel it against her skin. "Well, I think it is most likely that you have been bitten while asleep, and that you drank the blood of that low-ranking creature so that the marks wouldn't be visible." She stared at me. I heard Ruka snicker. This had enraged me.

My eyes glowed red with anger; they got bigger, redder, and scarier, and my teeth came out, ready to slice down into her throat. "Are we supposed to be scared now?" she asked while pouting in a high voice.

Kaname's POV:

"Oh, this is going to be fun," Ruka smirked as she sat back in her chair and watched what was going on. Not even a second later, a force flew through my hair. When I returned my gaze to the two, I noticed that the teacher was pressed up against the wall, and blood was dripping from her body. I rushed to Y/N, grabbed her waist, and pulled her away from her focus; when pulling, sometimes the focus goes away and the force will stop. "Kaname, let me go!" She now screamed, mad that she couldn't finish the job she had taken. The teacher fell to the ground and tried to catch her breath. "Shiki, you know what to do," I said while holding Y/N's back. He nodded, walked over to her, and didn't use his blood as a weapon but as a healing system, giving it to her and making the circuit bigger, with more blood coming in until she was healed enough.

"Y/N, please calm down," I whispered in her ear. "You heard what she said and how she sees me! I will not calm down until I am done with her! Everyone's been rude to me, everyone hates me, therefore I'll give them a reason to hate me!'' She screamed, not being able to look around; her eyes were filled with anger, blood, and lust to put an end to this. "Y/N, please," I asked again, knowing it wouldn't get fixed. So I did the only thing I could to stop her.

I bit her in her neck, drinking from her until she fainted.

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