015 | Compelled To Deceive

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Kaname's POV:

Why is Y/N reacting that way? I didn't even touch her; I pushed her away and punished her. She looked so sad and almost heartbroken over something; I just don't get it. Do I need to follow her? Do I need to leave her alone? What can I do? "Lord Kaname, should Shiki go after her?" "Make it seem like a coincidence; don't act as if you followed her." He nodded and walked to the rest. Why is Y/N so complicated?

Y/N's POV:

I just ran; I didn't know where I was going, but I knew that my feet would bring me back home, the only place where I felt safe. I heard a loud bark behind me as I was running, saw Aki, and picked him up as fast as possible. "We are going home, little guy," I whispered while running faster and faster.

Every time I came closer, I felt more relieved, slowly seeing my tree. When I got there, I jumped in to see that everything was still normal. I jumped on my bed and laid under the big leaves I had sown together. "Aki, I don't know what to do anymore. I don't get it.'' I sobbed into my pillow of leaves. He jumped on the bed next to me and licked my tears away, making me giggle.

''Y/N? Is that you?" I heard Shiki say. I kept quiet and didn't move a single inch. "Y/N, I know it's you. Come out or I'll come in." I stood up, walked to a little branch just under my house, and sat on it. "Y/N, why did you leave?" Shiki stood under me, all alone. "I'm not certain." Now that I think about it, I'm confused. I have nothing to do with what Kaname does with others; I don't know what happened.

Shiki jumped and sat next to me. ''Here.'' He opened his pocket and took a box of Pocky out, giving me one. I took it and chewed slowly on it. ''You know why you left, don't you? You just don't get why.'' I looked down. I knew I ran away because of the makeout session between Ruka and Kaname, but I don't know why that sight hurt me. "I guess I just got disgusted." I snickered between each little bite. He now looked confused at me. "Disgusted by what?" ''How those two were getting along! They were touching each other everywhere while having the grossest French kiss ever!'' He still didn't get it.

"Y/N, Lord Kaname and Ruka never kissed. Ruka tried to do it, but Lord Kaname stopped her, and she is now locked up in her room for a whole month. '' ''What? But I saw them having the biggest make-out session!'' I stated confused. Then something clicked for me. Ruka could create illusions.

''Shiki, come with me; we're going on a little bounty hunt together. Whoever kills Ruka first wins the other's entire pocky box." Before he could say anything, I ran off with Aki in my hands, putting him down in the living room and running to where Ruka's room was. She was there locked up for a month; she had to be here.

Kaname's POV:

''Lord Kaname! I think we have a problem!'' Shiki rushed in, terrified. "And that is?" Before he could open his mouth, a painful scream went through the whole building. ''Apparently, Ruka used her powers against Y/N, so she saw you both having a rather innapropriate make-out session, so she ran away,'' he said quickly, wanting to run to the screaming. ''Y/N realised it when I was talking to her and didn't understand what session she was talking about. ''

O no-

I dashed into Ruka's room to find her pressed up against the wall, the wind whipping against her skin.''Y/N enough!'' I screamed loudly with a deep voice. ''No! How dare she use her powers against me, Kaname!" She screamed with the angriest eyes I had ever seen on her. This form could only be from a pureblood vampire, if someone looks at you like this and uses powers like this, it's the most obvious thing ever.

Ruka Her eyes were big from fear; she did not understand what was going on. "Lord Kaname, make her stop!" she screamed in fear. I know I had to, but she is equal; she keeps showing that every time. Slowly, I can't deny it anymore. "Ruka, I only can if she wants to," I replied calmly. Now she looked even more fearful.

"Y/N, please stop," I asked her once more. "No Kaname!" she screamed again. ''I know what she did, and it won't happen again. I promise you.'' "You don't understand, Kaname!" She turned to tears. "You don't get it!" '' ''I do get it, Y/N.'' ''Then what am I?! I'm constantly getting these mixed signs, spit it out already!'' She panicked even more, losing her focus. ''You're Y/N. "That isn't what I asked! I don't know how I turned into a vampire; I don't know what rank I have, but I'm still alive, and I can do weird things not even Aidoh or Kain can do!'' "I'm looking into it, Y/N, and we'll figure it out." She collapsed, crying and weak; all her emotions, feelings, and questions were built up, and Ruka was just the last drop for her to handle.

I picked her up, kissed her on her forehead, and walked her to her room. I laid her on my bed, took her clothes off, and she was red, all Ruka's blood. I gave her a big, blue sweater of mine that I had never worn and made her wear it before I laid her down under my blankets and looked at her. Even a powerful beauty like her had weak points, and it was my responsibility to look after her.

I kissed her softly on her lips and walked downstairs, where Kain found a track of where Y/N might come from.

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