(1) U.A.

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(Sorry I edited this, I feel like it rushed into the plot a bit too quick)

(In this story Shinso is in class 1-A not Mineta and they also moved into dorms straight away)

Kaminari POV:

Dude I was so pumped to meet my new class. I walk into the room and see a a few classmates. One of them named Mina Ashido cam up and started chatting with me. Me and Ashido talked until our teacher cam into the room and we had to sit down. Ashido was to the right of me, Kirishima was behind me, Jiro was on my left, Sero in front of me, then there was one kid, he immediately caught my attention, he was diagonal to the right of me and whenever I spaced out I would always catch myself staring at him. He looked so cute, he had purple hair that somehow stayed out of his face, he was also quite strong and had very noticeable eye bags.

Denki what are you thinking!

After class  I decided to go up to him and chat

"Heyo, my name is Kaminari Denki but you can call me whatever you like."

"Hi Kaminari, I'm Shinso Hitoshi. Why did you talk to me?" he says in a monotone voice

"Oh I just thought you looked cool and I wanted to be friend-"

Shinso cuts me off "I'm not here to make friends I'm here to become a hero. If your only intentions here are to make friends you won't last long." 

(Kaminari, Shinso) He starts to walk away but I won't let him go that easily. I run to catch up to him 

"So what's your favorite drink?"


"How do you drink your coffee?"

"In a cup."

"No I mean hot or iced?"


"Do you like dogs or cats better?"


"What's your quirk?"


"Dude that's so cool!"

"I guess."

"What dorm are you in?"

"2 P" (The number at the beginning is the floor and the letter is what room A-Z they're in)

"Dude we're neighbors, I'm 2 Q"

"Oh great"

We head to our dorms but I can't help but think about him and how cute he is. 

-Two days later-

I get a text from the group Mina more or less formed (made the people she already knew meet eachother) and henceforth named "The Bakusquad" saying,

Alien Kween: Hey guys I think Denkichu has a crush, don't deny it Denkichu

Blasty Boy: On who? The insomniac?

Alien Kween: Yeah he totally does

Flex Tape: I second that

Manly Shark Boi: I give it a third vote

Denkichu: You realize I'm in this GC too? Also I don't have a crush on Shinso! I'm not even gay

Alien Kween: Whatever anyway 1-A sleepover in my dorm, I've told the girls and most of the boys, yes Bakuhoe you have to come

Manly Shark Boi: Hell yeah this'll be fun

Flex Tape: No arguments here

Denkichu: Ight 

Blasty Boy: Fuck you

Alien Kween: I didn't think you wanted to fuck any of us besides Kirishima


{Alien Kween deleted 1 message}

Alien Kween: Ok I'll see you there, bring a blanket

Flex Tape: See you there

Denkichu: Can't wait

Manly Shark Boi: Ok see ya 

Blasty Boy: Whatever

I start to pack my bags for the sleepover and I can't wait. I go over to Shinso's dorm and knock.

"Who is it?" Shinso says in a tired voice

"It's Kaminari!" I say excited to see him once more

-Shinso opens the door-

"Hey Pikachu what did you need?" I don't know why but his voice sounded a bit happier than when he asked who it was

"Oh I just wanted to know if you were packed for the sleepover yet," I say hoping he'd say no so I could spend time with him helping him pack.

"Oh I'm not going."

I wasn't surprised but I couldn't let this happen "Oh yes you are let's get packing!" I say smiling.

"Fine" I thought it would take more convincing, he lets me into his room and we start packing. About 15 minuets later he says he has to go to the bathroom and excuses his self and I continue packing. I find a little heart locket and decide that a bit of snooping wouldn't hurt. I look inside the locket and on one side I see a tiny picture of Aizawa Sensei and Mic Sensei standing on either side of Shinso while Eri is sitting on Shinso's shoulders. On the other side of the picture I see a picture (that looks like it was taken without warning) of Shinso playing around with a bunch of cats smiling while Eri is petting a cat that's sitting on her head.

"What are you looking at Kaminari?" Shinso says as he emerges from the bathroom

"Oh nothing" I say with a smile "and you can call me Pika or Pikachu if you want"

"Ok well cmon Pikachu let's go or we're gonna be late"

Purple Electricity (Hitoshi Shinso x Trans! Denki Kaminari)Where stories live. Discover now